

The Research on Solution Design of New Solar Water Heater with the Performance of Heat Preservation and Freeze Prevention
摘要 针对太阳能热水器在我国北方冬季及严寒地区往往存在冰冻裂管的问题,导致了太阳能热水器的利用率低以及水资源的浪费,本文以真空管式太阳能热水器为研究对象,对其换热器进行了较深入的改进和创新,设计了一种具有保温防冻、高效节能,高利用率、高智能化的新型太阳能热水器,并具体介绍了该新型太阳能热水器的方案设计、可行性及优越性,为太阳能热水器的设计与发展提供了一条新思路。 Aiming at the frozen and cracked tube problem of solar water heater used in winter of northern China and cold regions,which reasults to the low utilization rate of solar water heater and the waste of water resources,in this paper,the vacuum tube solar water heater as the research object is further improved and innovated with its heat exchanger,and a type of new solar water heater with the performance of heat preservation and freeze prevention,high efficiency and energy saving,high utilization,high intelligence is designed.And this paper concretely introduces solution design,feasibility and superiority of the new solar water heater,and provides a new idea for the design and development of solar water heater.
作者 程友良 王月坤 CHENG You-liang;WANG Yue-kun(School of Energy Power and Mechanical Engineering, North China Electric Power University, Baoding 071003, China)
出处 《新型工业化》 2017年第1期9-16,共8页 The Journal of New Industrialization
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目(No.2016XS107)
关键词 真空管式 保温防冻 新型太阳能热水器 方案设计 集热管 冰冻裂管 Vacuum tube type Heat preservation and freeze prevention New solar water heater Solution design Collector tube Frozen and cracked tube
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