华东师范大学图书馆现藏有徐乃昌旧藏金石拓片4 500余通。拓片是建校之初由徐乃昌之女徐姮先生捐赠,历史系戴家祥教授负责接收并编成简目。拓片之中皆另纸附有徐乃昌手书题签,题签体例悉仿缪荃孙《艺风堂金石文字目》。拓片包含文物、文献以及艺术等多重价值。文章试就华东师范大学图书馆所藏徐乃昌旧藏金石拓片的基本风貌以及价值进行综合概述。
The East China Normal University Library now keeps more than4500rubbings collected by Xu Naichang.They were donated to the school by Xu Heng,daughter of Xu Naichang,when it was founded,and received and catalogued by Professor Dai Jiaxiang in the history department.Labels with titles written by Xu Naichang are included in them,which follow the style of Miao Quansun’s works on rubbings.The rubbings are of cultural,literature and artistic values.This paper attempts to give an overview of basic facts and values of the rubbings.
Library Science Research & Work