
种族、族群与阶级:西方马克思主义种族和族群研究的路径及其启示 被引量:4

Race,Ethnicity and Class:The Western Marxist Approaches of Racial and Ethnic Studies and Their Revelation
摘要 西方马克思主义种族和族群研究可以分为两个研究路径。一个路径更关注族群的政治经济不平等,主要展开族群、阶级的关系及族群不平等的政治经济学分析,试图透过种族、族群的面纱,为族群排斥和族群冲突等提供一个更加深入的阶级分析和解释。另一个路径则关更关注种族、族群意识形态的社会化再生产,致力于分析资本主义国家种族意识社会化再生产的结构性原因,并突出了国家在这个过程中扮演的角色。这些研究发展并创新了马克思主义对种族和族群问题的解释,为种族、族群问题的研究做出了贡献,同时也留下了需要更进一步解决的难题,对于我们研究市场经济条件下的族际关系具有借鉴价值和启示意义。 Western Marxist interpretations of race and ethnicity can be divided into two theoretical approaches.One approach mainly focuses on the political and economical inequality among ethnic groups and conducts political and economical analysis on ethnic and class relations and ethnic inequality for providing class analysis and explanation in depth on ethnic exclusion and conflict.The other approach focuses on the social reproduction of racial and ethnic ideologies,analyzes the structural cause of the social reproduction of racial and ethnic ideologies in capitalist states,and highlights the role of state in the process.Both approaches further enrich Marxist interpretation of racial and ethnic issues, make a contribution to racial and ethnic studies,and leave some important questions needed to be solved.They are of great heuristic significance and value for us to study ethnic relations under the condition of market economy.
作者 左宏愿
出处 《民族研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第3期1-13,共13页 Ethno-National Studies
关键词 西方马克思主义 种族主义 族群关系 阶级 Western Marxism racism ethnic relations class
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  • 3葛兰西.《狱中书简》,田时纲译,人民出版社,2007,第9页.
  • 4Antonio Gramsci,Letters From Prison, selected , translated and introduced by Lynne Lawner, London: Jonathan LTD, p. 44,p. 185.
  • 5萨尔沃·马斯泰罗内主编.《一个未完成的政治思索:葛兰西的(狱中札记)》,黄华光等译,北京:社会科学文献出版社,2000年.
  • 6Kate Crehan. Gramsci, Culture and Anthropology, London: Pluto press, 2002.
  • 7Gramsci, Further selections from the prison notebooks. London: Lawrence and wishart press, 1992.
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