6Donald A. SchSn. The Reflective Practitioner. How Pro- fessionals Think In Action, New York. Basic Books. 1983.
7Anne Brockbank, lan McGill. Facilitating Reflective Learn- ing in Higher Education, Buckingham. SRHE & Open Univer- sity Press, 1998.
8Allan Davies. Anna Reid. "Uncovering Problematics in De- sign Education - Learning and the Design Entity. Cal Swarm, Ellen Young," Proceedings of International Conference Re- inventing Design Education in the University, Perth. School of Design, Curtin University of Technology, 2001, pp.178- 184.
9Vassilis Agouddas, Phil Race. "Enhancing Knowledge Management in Design Education Through Systematic Re- flection Practice" , Concurrent Engineering, 2007.15 (1). 63- 76.