本文描述了计算机心音听诊教学系统的实现方案。系统包含五部分和六个板块,以数据库为基础,采用数字声音技术,能以多种方式播放心音并显示对应的心音图和心音说明,克服了传统教学方法的不足。系统中还介绍了心音听诊知识,使用Visual Basic作为开发平台,后台使用Access数据库储存数据。在系统中通过VB控件Adodc来连接窗体与数据库。心音的播放则是使用了Windows Media Play控件,并且有指示线指示心音播放的进度。
This paper details the implementation scheme of the computer-aided heart sounds auscultation teaching system.The system includes five parts and six sections.By means of digital sound technology it can realistically play all kinds of heart sounds in many ways.Each heart sound is demonstrated by a proper explanationof its characteristics and a heart sound graph,So it can gets over the shortages of traditional teaching method.Besides,there are some knowledge about heartsound auscultation in this system.Visual Basic is used to be the base of the system,and all of the data that used in system is deposited in Access.Database andforms are connect by Adodc(VB control).The WindowsMediaPlay is used to play Heart Sound,and a line will tell you which part the music playing.
SUN Hao(The Third Hospital Of Mianyang,Sichuan Mianyang 621000)
China Medical Device Information