In the vision of the incoming 5G era, billions of people as well as trillions of machines are expected to be connected by the next generation mobile network, as predicted by the standardisation body 5G-PPP (http://5g-ppp.eu/). Functions of massive communication devices have been substantially limited by insufficient power supply. As an efficient solution,dedicated radio-frequency (RF) signals are capable of carrying well-controlled energy towards the rechargeable devices in order to achieve the on-demand energy transfer. However,enabling the wireless charging capability of RF signals may significantly influence the data transfer of the communication network. Although the RF signals are capable of simultaneously carrying both the data and energy, the diverse requirements of data and energy transfers pose huge challenges in their effective integration. For example, the energy receiver and the data receiver have diverse sensitivity to the received power. The received power as low as -80 dBm is sufficient for recovering the contaminated packet, thanks to thestate-of-the-art channel encoding/decoding techniques. However, only when the received power is higher than -20 dBm,the energy reception circuit can be effectively activated for converting a fraction of the energy carried by the RF signals to the direct current (DC).