
三香散热熨神阙穴改善慢性心力衰竭患者腹胀的效果观察 被引量:2

Clinical observation of hot compress on Shenque point by Sanxiang powder for the treatment of abdominal distention of chronic heart failure patients
摘要 目的观察三香散热熨神阙穴改善慢性心力衰竭患者腹胀的效果。方法慢性心力衰竭伴腹胀患者60例分为实验组和对照组,各30例。对症治疗和护理基础上,对照组采用炒食盐外敷神阙穴,实验组采用三香散热熨神阙穴。记录2组腹胀症状积分和平均排便时间,评价2组患者腹胀改善效果。结果治疗后2组腹胀症状积分下降,且实验组改善幅度优于对照组(P<0.05);实验组平均排便时间短于对照组,总有效率高于对照组(P<0.05)。结论三香散热熨神阙穴能有效改善慢性心力衰竭患者腹胀症状,值得借鉴。 Objec tiv e To observe the clinical effect o f h o t com press on S henque acupoint byS anxiang p ow der for the treatm ent o f abdom inal distention o f chronic h eart failure p atien ts.M e th o d s A total o f60patients w ith chronic h eart failure accom panied w ith abdom inal distentionw ere divided into the study group and control g ro u p,w itti30cases in each g ro u p.Patients in thestudy group received h o t com press on S henque acupoint w ith Sanxiang p ow der and patients in thecontrol group received h o t com press on S henque acupoint w ith stir-fried salt.T he clinical sym ptomscore on abdom inal distention and defecation frequency w ere obser-ved.R e su lts T he sym ptomscore on abdom inal distention w as decreased in both two groups after inter-vention,and low er in the study group than th at o f controls(P<0.05).Patients in the study group h ad shorterdefecation interval and h igher overall effective rate com pared w ith those in the control group(P<0.05).Conclusion It is effective to use hot compress on S henque acupoint by S anxiang pow derin treatm ent o f abdom inal distention in chronic h eart failure p atien ts.
作者 徐芹 陶国斌 蒋会琴 刘云 Xu Qin;TAO Guobin;JIANG Huiqin;LIU Yun(Department of Nursing,Yancheng Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Yancheng,Jiangss,224001;Department of Emergency,Yancheng Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Yancheng,Jiangss,224001)
出处 《中西医结合护理(中英文)》 2017年第5期77-79,共3页 Journal of Clinical Nursing in Practice
关键词 慢性心力衰竭 三香散 热熨 腹胀 中西医结合护理 chronic heart failure Sanxiang powder hot pressing abdominal distention nursing of integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine
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