

Comparative analysis of two methods in detection of anti-CCP antibody
摘要 目的探讨胶乳颗粒增强比浊(PETIA)法和胶体金免疫层析(GICA)法在血清抗环瓜氨酸肽抗体(抗CCP抗体)检测中对类风湿关节炎(RA)患者的诊断价值.方法选取320例血清类风湿因子(RF)阳性患者作为患者组,同时选用体检健康者20例作为健康组。分别采用PETIA法和GICA法进行抗CCP抗体检验,并对结果进行统计分析。结果患者组抗CCP抗体检测结果为(92.5±10.5)U/mL,与对照组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05hPETIA法和GICA法在抗CCP抗体检测中的阳性率分别97.8%,76.1%,差异有统计学意义(f=1.89,P<0.05hPETIA法的假阳性检出率为:黄疸23例,52.2%(12/23);药物浓度高〇例,80%(8/10);高血脂25例,68%(17/25)及高球血症35例,82.9%(29/35hGICA法的假阳性检出率为:黄疸23例,8.7%(2/23);药物浓度高0例;高血脂1例,4%(1/25)及高球血症3例8.6%(3/35h结论PETIA法有较强敏感度和检出率,而GICA法简便、快速、灵敏、特异性高^RF抗体检测试验可作为筛查RA的理想首选方法,联合检测RF抗体,抗CCP抗体可作为诊断RA重要依据。 Objective To investigate the diagnostic value of particle-enhanced turbidimetric immunoassay(PETIA)method and gold immunochromatography assay(GICA)method in the detection of serum anti cyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies(anti CCP antibodies)in patients with rheumatoid arthritis(RA).Methods320patients with serum rheumatoid factor(RF)positive were selected as the patients group,and20healthy subjects were selected as the healthy group.PETIA and GICA were used to test the anti CCP antibody,and the results were statistically analyzed.Results The detection of anti CCP antibody in the patients group was(92.5+10.5)U/mL.Compared with the control group,the difference was statistically significant(P<C〇.05).The positive rates of PETIA and GICA in the detection of anti CCP antibody were97.8%and76.1%respectively?and the difference was statistically significant^2=1.89,P〈0.05).The false positive rate of PETIA was as follows.Jaundice occurred in23cases,accounted for52.2%(12/23).high drug concentration occurred in10cases,accounted for80%(8/10).hyperlipidemia occurred in25cases,ac-counted for68%(17/25)and high blood pressure occurred in35cases,accounted for82.9%(29/35).The false positive rate of GI-CA was was as follows.Jaundice occurred in23cases,accounted for8.7%(2/23).high drug concentration occurred in0cases,hy-perlipidemia occurred in1cases,accounted for4%(1/25)and high blood pressure occurred in3cases?accounted for8.6%(3/35).Conclusion PETIA has strong sensitivity and detection rate,but GICA is simple,fast,sensitive and specific.RF antibody test can be used as an ideal method of screening for RA.Combined detection of RF antibody and anti CCP antibody can be used as an impor-tant basis for the diagnosis of RA.
作者 杨辛 吴颖稚 钱重玲 李菁 林洁 李灵均 张庆五 曹启迪 YANG Xin;WU Yingzhi;QIAN Chongling;LI Jin;LIN Jie;LI Linjun;ZHAGN Qingwu;CAO Qidi(Department of Clinical Laboratory,Shanghai Yangpu District Kongjiang Hospital,Shanghai 200093,China;Shanghai Yangpu District Hudong Geriatric Nursing Hospital o, Shanghai 200093 , China)
出处 《国际检验医学杂志》 CAS 2017年第A01期21-23,共3页 International Journal of Laboratory Medicine
关键词 抗环瓜氨酸肽抗体 胶乳增强免疫比浊法 胶体金免疫层析法 类风湿因子 anti cyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies particle-enhanced turbidimetric immunoassay gold-immunochroma- tography assay rheumatoid factor
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