为响应建设"资源节约型、环境友好型"社会以及"两型一化"变电站的号召,对常德市黄土店110 k V变电站进行了优化设计。110 k V配电装置采用户外GIS设备,取消110 k V出线侧及主变110 k V进线侧的隔离开关,采用充分利用出线间隔内纵向空间的双层出线模式;35/10 k V配电装置均采用新型气体绝缘开关柜。此方案与常规设计方案对比可知,本方案中变电站的占地面积比常规方案节约68%,使变电站的布置更加紧凑。
In response to the call for a“resource-saving and environment-friendly”society,as well as the construction of modernized substations,an optimized design has been proposed for the distribution units of110kV substations in Huangtudian,Changde.Outdoor GIS equipment,which has canceled the main transformer outlet side and the incoming line side isolation switch,has been applied in110kV distribution units,adopting the double outlet mode to make full use of the vertical space within the outlet space intervals.Novel gas insulated switchgear has been used in35/10kV distribution units.The optimized design,with its total land use68%less than the conventional designs,helps to realize a more compact substation layout than before.
YI Qianqian(School of Electrical and Information Engineering,Hunan University of Technology,Zhuzhou Hunan 412007,China)
Journal of Hunan University of Technology