电磁轴承的独特特性使其在工业上的应用快速增多。当前,对电磁轴承支承转子在效能和可预测性方面的要求达到了与传统油膜轴承和滚动轴承支承转子的同样标准。对转子系统设计者来说,理解电磁轴承特殊的技术特性是非常重要的。电磁轴承的特性要求是由转子动力学特性和使用的工作环境两方面来定义的。基于现代力学分析软件工具,以及电子化的控制器和它们在一个DSP上的数字化成就,电磁轴承能被很好地设计出来。本文总结了电磁轴承控制器的设计流程,同时给出了电磁轴承所支承的三个不同转子的应用。第一个是小型高速主轴转子,转速120 000r/min,第二个是小型涡轮分子泵转子,转速36 000r/min,第三个是大型多级离心压缩机转子,转速600~6 300r/min。最后分别给出了它们的计算分析和试验验证结果。
The industrial applications of magnetic bearing are rapidly increasing due to their unique properties.Innowadays,the efficiency and the predictability of handling rotors on magnetic bearings are required to meet the samestandards level as ones of handling conventional rotors on oil or roller bearings.It is important for system designers tounderstand the special technical properties of magnetic bearing.The requirements of the magnetic bearing characteristic aredefined by both the dynamic behaviour of the rotor and the needs of the working environment.With the modern mechanicalanalysis tools,together with the electronic controllers and their digital implementation on a DSP,these properties can be welldesigned.This paper summarises the controller design process of magnetic bearing.Three different rotors supported bymagnetic bearing in different products are presented.A very small high speed spindle at120000r/min,a small industrialturbo molecular pump rotor rotating at36000r/min and a large multi-stage centrifugal compressor operating600~6300r/min.The results of the analyses and experimental verification are presented and discussed in this paper.
Joachim Schmied
Chuan-yue Zhou;Joachim Schmied(Beijing EMAX Technology Co., Ltd;DELTA JS AG, 8005 Zurich, Switzerlan)
Chinese Journal of Turbomachinery