

Information management system of Shanghai international tourism and resorts zone based on big data
摘要 根据度假区现代化管理的要求,以信息化手段提高工作效率为目标,以大数据为基础,建设上海国际旅游度假区环保景观信息管理系统。充分利用上海市各行业、部门已有的信息资源,共享大数据,开发以水文水动力学/对流扩散模型为基础的水安全应急系统,实现水务、环保、绿化、市容景观等信息的实时监控及数据的统计分析,推进度假区管委会环保景观处业务管理的精细化、数字化和系统化,为度假区防汛安全保障和水污染应急指挥、绿化分析、市容景观管理、大气监测及土壤分析等提供决策支持,为度假区信息综合管理提供科学准确的分析和调度决策平台。 According to the requirements of the resorts zone’s modern management,aiming at improving the work efficiency by information means,based on big data,the environmental and landscape information management system of Shanghai international tourism and resorts zone is established.It makes full use of the existing information resources of Shanghai various industries and departments,shares big data,establishes water safety emergency system based on hydrological hydrodynamics/convection diffusion model.The system realizes the information real-time monitoring and statistical analysis about water affairs,environmental protection,greening,and cityscape landscape etc.It promotes the refinement,digitization and systematization of business management of Environmental&Landscape Department of Shanghai International Tourism and Resorts Zone Management Committee,provides a decision support for resort flood control and water pollution emergency command,green analysis,cityscape landscape management,atmospheric monitoring and soil analysis etc,provides a scientific,accurate analysis and scheduling decision-making platform for resort integrated information management.
作者 黄琳煜 曹静 赵倩 吴利强 石朋 瞿思敏 HUANG Linyu;CAO Jing;ZHAO Qian;WU Liqiang;SHI Peng;QU Simin(Shanghai Pudong New Area Hydrology and Water Resource Administration, Shanghai 200129, China;Water Saving Office of Zhenjiang, Zhenjiang 212000, China;Jiangsu Naiwch Corporation, Nanjing 210012, China;Shanghai Pudong New Area River Affairs Centre, Shanghai 201299, China;State Key Labotatory of Hydrology-Water Resources and Hydraulic Engineering, Hohai University,Nanjing 210098, China;College of Hydrology and Water Resources, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China)
出处 《水利信息化》 2017年第4期48-53,共6页 Water Resources Informatization
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51479062 41371048)
关键词 上海国际旅游度假区 环保景观 信息管理系统 大数据 水文水动力模型 Shanghai international tourism and resorts zone environmental and landscape information management system big data hydrological hydrodynamics model
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