
实用艺术品之著作权保护资格:艺术统一、可分离或高阶层 被引量:7

The Copyright Protection Qualification for Works of Applied Art: the Unity of Art, Separability or High Level
摘要 对于实用艺术的著作权保护,形成了艺术统一和艺术分离两种理论,在此基础上出现了认定实用艺术品著作权保护资格的三种基本标准:艺术统一、可分离或高阶层。相较而言,高阶层标准与工业艺术发展的时代相背离,有逐渐被放弃的趋势;可分离标准存在模糊不清和不确定性的较大缺陷;而艺术统一标准简洁明确,更符合工业艺术发展的潮流,更尊重智力劳动成果,实践也证明其能够在很大程度上激励实用艺术产业的发展。目前我国著作权立法中对于实用艺术品的保护不明确;司法实践也比较混乱,形成了公众认知标准、可分离标准、美学意义的创作统一标准等标准;理论界更多主张采用可分离标准,但是缺乏充分的研究和论证。我国目前已成为制造业大国,正向创新型经济转型,这即为实用艺术的著作权保护提供了物质基础,又提出了保护的高要求。在这一背景下,我国著作权法修订适宜选择艺术统一标准,对于具有原创性的实用艺术品予以著作权保护;同时向可分离和高阶层标准妥协,对于一般的实用艺术品给予较短的25年保护期限,对于艺术程度较高的实用艺术品给予等同纯艺术品的保护期限;对于艺术特征完全或者极致地受实用功能支配的实用艺术品不给予著作权保护。 For copyright protection for applied art,there have been two theories namely the unity of art and the duality ofart.On this basis,three basic standards for the protection for the copyright of works of applied art have been formed:the unity of art,separability and high level.In contrast,the high level standard is contrary to the industrial era of the art and gradually being given up.The standard of separability is vague and uncertain.However,the unity of art is clearly and concisely,more in line with the development trend of industrial art and more respect for intellectual labor.The practices also prove that it can,to a large extent,stimulate the development of the arts industry.For copyright protection for applied art in current the copyright legislation is not clear in our country.The judicial practice is chaotic and there are three standards formed:public perceptions,separability and uniform aesthetic creation standards.The separability standard is more favored in the theory,but it is lack of adequate research and demonstration.Now China has become a manufacturing powerhouse and has a transition to innovative economy,which provides a foundation for copyright protection for applied art and also put forward higher requirements of protection.In this context,the unity of art is suitable for selecting for the amendment of China copyright law.The original works of applied art should be protected by copyright law.Meanwhile,the compromise should be made to the separability standard and the high level standard.For the average works of applied art a short25-year protection period should be granted.The works of applied highlevel art should be granted protection period as pure arts.However,the copyright protection should not be granted for the works of applied art that their artistic characters are entirely or exclusively dictated by their utility.
作者 李军
出处 《电子知识产权》 CSSCI 2017年第9期12-26,共15页 Electronics Intellectual Property
关键词 实用艺术品 著作权 艺术统一 可分离 高阶层 works of applied art copyright the unity of art separability high level
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