
人居环境视角的中国古代都城空间模式初步研究 被引量:3

A Preliminary Study on the Spatial Pattern of Chinese Ancient Capital from the Perspective of Human Settlements
摘要 依托人居环境科学,选取中国古代都城为案例,对其空间形态结构、空间组合模式以及人居环境视角的空间模式进行研究,结果表明:空间形态结构,由分散式的"团块结构"逐步向集中式"嵌套结构"演化,由不规则向规则而后向不规则演变;空间组合模式,节点要素的数量不断丰富,路径系统由单一向多层级演化且成为城市形态的发展轴线,空间区域由简单的区域分块向综合性的空间组合模式演变;人居视角的城市空间模式,秦汉人居建设中运用轴线法则,魏晋南北朝"规划图"的出现标志着都城人居环境建设新水平,隋唐人居营建范式成为经典,"里坊"成为居住功能区,宋元街巷代替里坊,夜市使得中国开始了全日制的人居生活,明清"合院"单元、胡同体系、街道系统、"轴线"城市等共同构成了中国古代社会最完善的人居环境营建系统。 Relying on the science of human settlements,ancient Chinese capitals are elected as research case to study on the space formal structure,the spatial combination pattern and the spatial pattern from the perspective of human settlements.The results are shown as follows.Firstly,the space formal structure changes.The decentralized“mass structure”gradually evolves into a centralized“nested structure”,and the capital(settlement)of the fl at form evolves from irregular form to regular form and then to the irregular form.Secondly,the spatial combination pattern and the quantity of node element are more abundant.The path system evolves from a single structure to multi-layer,becoming the development axis of urban form,and meanwhile the spatial region evolves from the simple sub block region to the comprehensive spatial structure.Thirdly,the spatial pattern from the perspective of human settlements also changes.The axis lawis used in the construction of human settlements in Qin and Han Dynasty,and the emergence of“planning map”indicates that the construction of urban human settlements has reached a new level in Wei-Jin,Southern and Northern dynasties.Human settlements reaches to the glory in Sui-Tang Dynasty,and the“lifang”becomes the residential functional area,and the real sense of the urban management system comes into being.In Song-Yuan Dynasty,the street system has replaced the“lifang”,the night fair emerges,and Chinese society begins a full-time living.In Ming-Qing Dynasty,siheyuan unit,the lane system,street system and axes city together constitute the most perfect human settlement construction system of Chinese feudal society.
作者 田深圳 李雪铭 刘天宝 杨俊 吕芳 TIAN Shenzhen;LI Xueming;LIU Tianbao;YANG Jun;LYU Fang
出处 《西部人居环境学刊》 2017年第5期96-103,共8页 Journal of Human Settlements in West China
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(41671158) 教育部博士点基金资助项目(20132136110001) 辽宁省高等学校优秀人才支持计划(LR2013050)
关键词 空间形态结构 空间组合模式 人居环境 中国古代都城 the Space Formal Structure the Spatial Combination Pattern Human Settlements Ancient Chinese Capitals
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