
西南少数民族农村老人机构养老供给现状及原因分析 被引量:1

An Investigation and Analysis of Supply of Care for Elderly in Ethnic Minority Groups in Southwest China
摘要 随着我国"未富先老"问题的日趋严重,国家和地方都在积极应对老龄化。《中国老龄事业发展"十二五"规划》提出了养老机构建设的政策和要求,地方政府也在积极实践。文章通过对资金投入、养老机构数、床位数、设施建设等方面的调研、分析,发现十二五期间少数民族地区机构养老建设资金投入明显增加,养老机构数、床位数快速增长,基层服务不断改善,民族地区机构养老基础建设取得长足发展。同时,也面临着养老机构入住率低的突出问题。机构养老的文化可接受性低是少数民族地区养老问题中一个不可忽视的因素。建议赋予养老机构更多的职能,盘活存量;结合少数民族农村老人养老的实际需求,提供居家养老的支持性服务。 With the increasingly serious challenge of“getting old before getting rich”in China,the national and the local governments are actively coping with challenges in caring for elderly The Twelfth Five-Year Development Plan for Chinas Aging Care put forward the policies and indicators for the construction of institutions for elderly care(IEC)Local governments have been actively implementing the national plan This study found that the capital investments in the IEC in the ethnic minority groups(EMG)areas during the12th Five-Year Plan continued to increase,while the number of IEC and the beds in IEC increased significantly The services at grass-roots level continued to improved,while the infrastructure construction of IEC in EMG areas showed a great progress At the same time,there has been a real challenge in inviting the elderly to use the available and accessible institution-based care,even though it is totally free-of-charge Low cultural acceptability turned to be a major factor that should not be ignored Given the fact that almost all of the elderly of EMG have been enjoying home-based care(HBC),with strong supports from their families and communities,the authors suggest to give the IEC more tasks and functions,to provide support services for HBC
作者 张晓玲 吴斌 高矗群 李福仙 刘丹 张开宁 ZHANG Xiao-ling;WU Bin;GAO Chu-qun;LI Fu-xian;LIU Dan;ZHANG Kai-ning(Yunnan College Of Business Management, Kunming Yunnan 650106, China;Yunnan University ofTCM , Kunming Yunnan 650500, China;Yunnan University, Kunming Yunnan 650091, China)
出处 《卫生软科学》 2017年第11期18-21,共4页 Soft Science of Health
基金 国家社会科学基金项目:西南少数民族地区农村居民机构养老的需求与供给研究(15BRK029)
关键词 供给 少数民族 机构养老 文化可接受性 supply ethnic minority groups (EMG) institution - based care (IBC) cultural acccptability
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