
微波加工全玉米发糕的研究 被引量:5

Technology and Properties of Whole Maize Steamed Sponge Cake Cooked by Microwave
摘要 玉米发糕是我国北方地区传统的发酵食品,是符合大众健康消费趋势的健康粗粮主食。微波加工技术可以有效提高主食加工效率,节能、降低营养损失、方便快捷,在工业化生产和家庭烹制中均适用。以全玉米粉为原料,采用微波加工技术,开展单因素及正交优化试验,分析发酵时间、加水量、微波剂量、微波时间等对全玉米发糕的品质特性的影响,获得优化的微波加工工艺为:每100g全玉米粉加水量120 mL,发酵30min,微波剂量4.2W·g^(-1),微波时间150s。采用TPA质构分析、气孔形态分析及感官评价对微波加工玉米发糕与蒸制玉米发糕的质构、内部气孔结构及综合感官等品质特性进行比较。结果表明:微波加工玉米发糕的硬度为(1322.18±126.13)g,黏聚性(0.55±0.01),咀嚼性(660.59±66.68)及回复性(0.53±0.01),略高于蒸制发糕[硬度为(1003.72±33.80)g,黏聚性(0.53±0.01),咀嚼性(494.42±19.51)及回复性(0.47±0.01)]。通过微波加工的玉米发糕的横切面气孔细密均匀,单位面积里气孔数量[(211.67±4.29)个·4cm^(-2)]略多于蒸制发糕[(198.33±3.69)个·4cm-2],气孔尺寸较小[(796.36±37.89)mm^2],但表面分率没有显著差异。感官评价结果显示,微波加工玉米发糕风味浓郁,口感好,感官综合评价较高。微波加工玉米发糕加工工艺的研究为满足日益增长的安全营养方便的粗粮主食消费需求提供了新的选择,为微波主食加工技术的开发提供了科学数据。 Whole maize sponge cake is a type of traditional food in Northern China.It is made by coarse grains,which meets the health trends of public food consumption.Microwave technology can effectively improve the processing efficiency of the staple food,save energy,reduce nutrient loss,and it is convenient and quick,applicable both in industrial production and home cooking.The effects of fermentation time,the water addition,microwave dosage and microwave time on the quality and characteristics of the maize steamed sponge cake were determined by the single factor and orthogonal experimental design to get the suitable technical parameters.The results showed that the optimal process parameters were120mL water added to the100g maize flour,fermentation time of30min,microwave dosage of4.2W·g-1,and cooking in150s.The organoleptic quality,texture and pore characteristics were compared between maize sponge cake cooked by microwave and steaming with TPA analysis,image analysis for gas cell and sensory evaluation.The TPA results showed that the hardness,cohesiveness chewiness and resilience of microwave sponge cake were1322.18±126.13g,0.55±0.01,660.59±66.68and0.53±0.01,respectively,slightly higher than those of the steaming one(with hardness,cohesiveness chewiness and resilience of1003.72±33.80g,0.53±0.01,494.42±19.51and0.47±0.01,respectively).The maize sponge cake cooked by microwave could have a uniform pore texture with more spore numbers(211.67±4.29per4cm2)than the steaming one(198.33±3.69per4cm2)but smaller size(796.36±37.89mm2).According to the results of sensory evaluation,microwave sponge cake had rich flavour and good taste with higher score.Developing the technology of microwave for maize staple food can offer a new choice to meet the increasing demand by consumers for safe,nutritious and convenient food.The study also provides the scientific data for developing microwave processing technology of stable food.
作者 顾丰颖 马想琴 王小鹤 宁吉英 高萍萍 罗其琪 曹晶晶 王锋 GU Feng-ying;MA Xiang-qin;WANG Xiao-he;NING Ji-ying;@AO Ping-ping;LUO Qi-qi;CAO Jing-jing;WANG Feng(Institute of Agro-products Processing Science and Technology, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Key Laboratory of Agro-Products Processing, Ministry of Agriculture, Beijing 100193, China;Institute of Food and Processing,Liaoning Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Shenyang 110161, China)
出处 《沈阳农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第5期547-553,共7页 Journal of Shenyang Agricultural University
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(31701642) 中国农业科学院协同创新工程项目(CAAS-XTCX2016005-1)
关键词 微波 玉米 发糕 质构 感官评价 microwave maize steamed sponge cake texture sensory evaluation
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