In this work, an analytical model is presented to simulate the combustion process of organic dust with considering radiative heat loss effect in counterflow configuration. A thermal model has been generated to estimate the flame propagation speed in various dust concentrations. The structure of premixed flame in a symmetric configuration, containing uniformly distributed volatile fuel particles, with nonunity Lewis number is examined with strain rate issue. The flame structure is divided into six zones: first heating, drying, second heating, volatile evaporation, reaction and post-flame zones. At first, the governing equations of lycopodium combustion dust particles are written for each zone. Finally, boundary conditions and matching conditions are applied for each zone in order to solve the differential equations. The purpose of this article is to analyze radiation heat transfer on lycopodium flame propagation dust particles and characteristics to check the effect of parameters on combustion.
In this work, an analytical model is presented to simulate the combustion process of organic dust with considering radiative heat loss effect in counterflow configuration. A thermal model has been generated to estimate the flame propagation speed in various dust concentrations. The structure of premixed flame in a symmetric configuration, containing uniformly distributed volatile fuel particles, with nonunity Lewis number is examined with strain rate issue. The flame structure is divided into six zones: first heating, drying, second heating, volatile evaporation, reaction and post-flame zones. At first, the governing equations of lycopodium combustion dust particles are written for each zone. Finally, boundary conditions and matching conditions are applied for each zone in order to solve the differential equations. The purpose of this article is to analyze radiation heat transfer on lycopodium flame propagation dust particles and characteristics to check the effect of parameters on combustion.