
Xanthii Fructus Inhibits Malignant Behaviors of Lung Cancer Cells by Changing the Expression of Small RNAs

Xanthii Fructus inhibits malignant behaviors of lung cancer cells by changing the expression of small RNAs
摘要 Objective: To investigate the influence of Xanthii Fructuson the expression of small non-coding RNAs(snc RNA) and the malignant behaviors of lung cancer cells. Method: A549 human lung cancer cells were cultured and treated with different concentrations(5-15 mg/ml) of the ethanol extract of Xanthii Fructus. The expression of mi R-21 and pi RNA55490 was analyzed by Realtime PCR. The proliferation capacity was detected by CCK-8 assay. The anchorage-independent growth capacity was measured by soft agar colony formation experiment. The cell invasion capacity was determined by Matrigel assay. Results: The Xanthii Fructus alcohol extract down-regulated the expression of the oncogenic snc RNAmi R-21, and up-regulated the expression of the tumor suppressive snc RNA pi RNA55490. At the functional level, proliferation, anchorage-independent growth, and invasion capacities of the lung cancer cells were strongly inhibited by the extract treatment. Conclusion: The Chinese herb Xanthii Fructus inhibits the malignant behaviors of lung cancer cells, and the inhibition is largely associated with its ability to change the expression of snc RNAs. Objective: To investigate the influence of Xanthii Fructuson the expression of small non-coding RNAs(snc RNA) and the malignant behaviors of lung cancer cells. Method: A549 human lung cancer cells were cultured and treated with different concentrations(5-15 mg/ml) of the ethanol extract of Xanthii Fructus. The expression of mi R-21 and pi RNA55490 was analyzed by Realtime PCR. The proliferation capacity was detected by CCK-8 assay. The anchorage-independent growth capacity was measured by soft agar colony formation experiment. The cell invasion capacity was determined by Matrigel assay. Results: The Xanthii Fructus alcohol extract down-regulated the expression of the oncogenic snc RNAmi R-21, and up-regulated the expression of the tumor suppressive snc RNA pi RNA55490. At the functional level, proliferation, anchorage-independent growth, and invasion capacities of the lung cancer cells were strongly inhibited by the extract treatment. Conclusion: The Chinese herb Xanthii Fructus inhibits the malignant behaviors of lung cancer cells, and the inhibition is largely associated with its ability to change the expression of snc RNAs.
出处 《国际感染病学(电子版)》 CAS 2017年第2期42-47,共6页 Infection International(Electronic Edition)
关键词 Xanthii Fructus LUNG cancer NON-CODING RNA MALIGNANT behavior Xanthii Fructus lung cancer non-coding RNA malignant behavior
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