

Effect of nursing follow-up on the treatment and rehabilitation of patients with lung cancer undergoing radiotherapy
摘要 目的分析护理随访对肺癌门诊放疗患者治疗及康复效果的影响。方法将上海市肺科医院2014年7月~2015年6月门诊接受放疗的82例肺癌患者,按随机对照原则分为随访组(n=41)和对照组(n=41)。仅对随访组患者实施护理随访,随访周期为从放疗定位起每周1次至放疗结束1个月后来院复诊,对照组在每次放疗结束后给予健康指导。结果随访组放疗2周、4周时的心理状态均优于对照组(P<0.05),随访组患者的放疗并发症发生率为7.2%,低于对照组患者的24.2%(P<0.05),放疗结束后1个月的生存质量评分为(51.2±3.1)分,高于对照组患者的(46.8±3.5)分(P<0.05)。结论对肺癌门诊放疗患者实施护理随访,能够规范患者的放射治疗,减少放疗并发症的发生,对患者身心健康恢复具有积极的促进作用。 Objective To analyze the effects of nursing follow-up on the treatment and rehabilitation of lung cancer patients undergoing adiotherapy.Methods82lung cancer patients who undergo radiotherapy were randomly divided into the control group(n=41)and the experimental group(n=41),and nursing follow-up is only applied in the experimental group.Do nursing follow-up every week from the beginning of radiotherapy localization until the return visit(usually one month after the radiotherapy ended).Results The experimental group’s psychological states during the second weeks and the fourth weeks are better than the control group(P<0.05).In the experimental group,the complication of radiotherapy’s incidence rate was7.2%,which was less than24.2%with statistical significance(P<0.05).One month later after the radiotherapy ended,the assessment scores of living quality in the experimental group are(51.2±3.1),which was higher than(46.8±3.5)in the control group(P<0.05).Conclusion Nursing follow-up could standardize the treatment of lung cancer patients,and also reduce the complication of radiotherapy’s incidence rate and produce positive effects on patients’rehabilitation both mental and physical health.
作者 史晓琼 施蓓芳 蔡勇 SHI Xiao-qiong;SHI Bei-fang;CAI Yong(Department of Radiation Oncology, Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital, Shanghai 200433, China)
出处 《中国生化药物杂志》 CAS 2017年第12期275-276,共2页 Chinese Journal of Biochemical Pharmaceutics
关键词 肺癌 门诊放疗 护理随访 治疗 康复 lung cancer outpatient radiotherapy nursing follow-up treatment rehabilitation
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