
优化空间开发格局与长江经济带沿江地区绿色发展 被引量:4

The Optimization of Spatial Development Pattern and the Green Development in the Riverside Areas of Yangtze River Economic Zone
摘要 建设绿色长江经济带是"十三五"时期中国推进绿色协调发展的重要抓手和战略平台。因此,优化长江经济带空间开发布局,对于促进长江经济带绿色发展和带动中国区域经济协调发展都具有重要意义。但目前长江经济带在产业布局、城市布局、生态空间布局等方面都面临诸多亟待解决的问题,给长江流域造成了巨大的生态环境压力。长江经济带要实现绿色发展,不仅要建立长江经济带沿江地区的经济共同体,还要建立长江经济带沿江地区的生态共同体,这就要求从区域协调、环境协调方面优化长江经济带的产业布局,从城市群间协调发展、城市内部体系协调方面优化城市布局,从完善生态空间、明确划定生态保护红线方面优化生态空间布局。最后,长江经济带要实现绿色发展,还必须借鉴国外大河流域管理经验,打破部门和地方利益分割,建立健全跨部门跨地区的协调体制机制。 The construction of the green Yangtze River Economic Zone is one of the most important focuses as well as strategies for China to promote the coordinated green development during the 13 th five-year plan period. Therefore, the optimization of spatial development layout of the Yangtze River Economic Zone is of great significance to promoting the green development in the zone and propelling the harmonious regional economic development in China. At present, however, the problems about industrial layout, urban layout,ecological space layout, etc. faced by Yangtze River Economic Zone wait for immediate solutions and put great ecological pressure on Yangtze River valley. In order to achieve green development, we need to establish not only an economic community but also an ecological community in the areas along the river,which calls for the optimization of the industrial layout based on regional coordination and environmental coordination, the optimization of the urban layout based on coordinated development among cities in the zone and coordinated development in different internal systems of the individual city, and the optimization of the ecological space layout based on improved ecological space and clearly set bottom line of ecological protection. Last but not least, to realize the green development in the Yangtze River Economic Zone, we need to learn from the experience of managing great rivers in other countries, break the practice of dividing interests between different governmental offices, and establish a sound system of cross-sector, cross-region coordination.
作者 何雄伟
出处 《鄱阳湖学刊》 2017年第6期50-58,共9页 Journal of Poyang Lake
基金 国家社科基金重大项目"长江经济带建设战略引领下沿江地区经济发展路径研究"(2015YZD6) 国家社科基金项目"绿色长江经济带生态环保一体化与政策协调机制研究"(16BJL072) 2015年国家社科基金青年项目"我国区域生态红线的管控体系构建和保障制度研究"(15CJY015) 江西省社会科学院一般课题项目"区域生态空间差异及分层分类管控机制研究"(16YB03)
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