
无菌动物在饮食干涉肠道菌群研究中的应用 被引量:4

Aplication of germ free animals in the research on dietary intervention of gut microbiota
摘要 膳食干涉对肠道菌群与健康的影响已成为医学健康领域的研究热点,从发展来看,肠道菌群有可能会成为研究饮食方式、保健食品、中药制剂等对人体健康影响的重要靶标。然而,肠道菌群由于其复杂性,研究它和饮食干涉的关系对动物模型有高标准的要求,无菌动物体内外不携带任何活的微生物和寄生虫,在生物医学及人体疾病和健康等方面均有一定的应用和研究,是当前肠道菌群研究中应用最多的基础动物模型。采用无菌动物构建人源菌群动物是研究饮食、菌群与健康关系的常用方式。本文主要综述无菌动物构建人源菌群动物的研究应用及饮食干涉对肠道菌群的影响。 The effect of dietary intervention on intestinal flora and health has become a research focus in the medical and health field.In terms of development,intestinal flora may become an important target for the study of the influence of dietary styl,health food and traditional Chinese medicine on human health.However,due to the complexity of intestinal flora,high standard for animal models that is applied to researches on the relationship between intestinal flora and dietary interference is required.It has been claimed that there is no living microorganisms and parasites inside germ free animals,thus they are the most widely used basic animal models in the study of intestinal flora.Therefore,it is a common way to apply germ free animal for generating human flora animal model to study the relationship between diet,flora and health.In this paper we will review the researches and applications of human source flora animal models established by germ free animals and the influence of dietary intervention on gut microbiota.
作者 董飒爽 曾本华 王洁 魏泓 方祥 DONG Sa-shuang;ZENG Ben-hua;WANG Jie;WEI Hong;FANG Xiang(College of Food Science, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou510640, China;Department of Laboratory Animal Science, College of Basic Medical Science, the Third Military Medical University, Chongqing400038)
出处 《中国实验动物学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第6期676-680,共5页 Acta Laboratorium Animalis Scientia Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目(No.31671855)
关键词 无菌动物 肠道菌群 饮食干涉 Germ free animal Gut microbiota Dietary intervention
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