
美国波托马克政策研究所特色初探 被引量:1

Study of Characteristics of Potomac Institute for Policy Studies
摘要 [目的/意义]独立、中小型国防科技智库在智库生态体系中的功能和定位,对于智库体系的持续健康发展有重要意义,需要加强典型案例研究。[方法/过程]本文对美国一家具有特色的中小型防务科技智库波托马克政策研究所进行了信息调研,包括其使命和原则、领导层、业务组织架构、服务对象和智库产品等,并将其放在美国智库的一般特点视角下进行特征分析。[结果/结论]该所注重前沿科技的社会影响和防务政策咨询研究,业务组织架构基于学科基础,并与服务对象耦合,体现军民融合;具体业务方向更加聚焦,强化新兴技术和恐怖主义对策研究;注重分析方法构建;注重科技前瞻能力建设等。这些特征对我国中小型科技智库发展具有一定启示价值。 [Purpose/significance]The development of independent,national defense think tanks with a small or medium size is vital for the sustainability of the ecosystem of think tanks.Therefore,there is an urgent need to carefully examine various kinds of think tanks with a small or medium size.[Method/process]The Potomac Institute for Policy Studies was dedicated to science,technology,engineering and policy studies.Its mission,leadership,organizational architecture,customer and products were introduced in this article,with an emphasis on its innovation based on common characteristics of famous think tanks.[Result/conclusion]The Potomac Institute for Policy Studies focuses on carefully selected subjects of science and technology:science and technology forecasting and science and technology policy.Its architectures are based on scientific areas and have close engagement with the military entity,with research emphasis on emerging technologies and terrorism.The institute puts forward“best available science”and“metrics for the evaluation of scientific claims”concepts with significant influence.The institute also greatly takes advantage of scientific and technological revolution.It is concluded that the development of Potomac Institute has certain implications for science and technology think tanks with a small or medium size
作者 王小理 Wang Xiaoli(Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200031)
出处 《智库理论与实践》 2018年第1期86-92,共7页 Think Tank:Theory & Practice
关键词 防务智库 科技预测 军民融合 national defense think tank science and technology forecasting civil-military integration
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