
腹腔镜与小切口手术切除胆囊治疗胆结石的临床疗效对比评价 被引量:6

Comparative evaluation of laparoscopic and mini-incision cholecystectomy in the treatment of gallstones
摘要 目的探讨腹腔镜胆囊切除术(LC)与小切口手术胆囊切除术(MC)治疗胆结石的临床效果。方法选择本院收治的116例胆结石患者,以简单随机法分为MC组和LC组,各58例。MC组采取MC治疗,LC组采取LC治疗,对两组临床效果进行观察对比。结果 LC组治疗总有效率、失血量、手术时间及肛门排气时间均明显优于MC组(P<0.05)。术后两组患者IgM、IgA、IgG水平均低于术前,且LC组上述指标均高于MC组(P<0.05)。LC组并发症总发生率及复发率均低于MC组(P<0.05)。结论在胆结石患者临床治疗中,LC更具有微创优势,可降低手术风险,且术后并发症少。 Objective Toinvestigatetheclinicaleffectoflaparoscopiccholecystectomy(LC)andmini-incisioncholecystectomy(MC)in the treatment of gallstones.Methods A total of116patients with gallstones treated in our hospital were divided intoMC and LC group with simple random method,with58cases in each group.The MC group took the MC treatment,the LC group adopted LC treatment.The treatment effects of two groups were observed and compared.Results The total effective rate,blood loss,operation time and anal exhaust time in the LC group were significantly better than those of the MC group(P<0.05).The levels of IgM,IgA and IgG in the two groups were lower than those before operation,and the above indexes in the LC group were higher than those of the MC group(P<0.05).The total complication rate and recurrence rate in the LC group were lower than those in the MC group(P<0.05).Conclusion In the clinical treatment of gallstone patients,LC has more minimally invasive advantages,which can reduce the surgical risk,with less postoperative complications.
作者 高军锋 GAO Jun-feng(Chencang Hospital of Baoji City, Baoji 721300, China3)
机构地区 宝鸡市陈仓医院
出处 《临床医学研究与实践》 2018年第6期74-75,共2页 Clinical Research and Practice
关键词 腹腔镜 小切口手术 胆囊切除 胆结石 laparoscopy mini-incision surgery cholecystectomy gallstones
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