
四步手法配合祛瘀膏外用治疗创伤性肘关节僵硬40例临床观察 被引量:3

Clinical observation of four steps manipulation and Quyu cream in the treatment of 40 cases of traumatic elbow stiffness
摘要 目的观察运用四步手法配合祛瘀膏外用治疗创伤性肘关节僵硬的疗效。方法 2016年1月至2016年12月,采用四步手法配合祛瘀膏治疗创伤性肘关节僵硬患者40例。10次为一疗程,连续治疗1~2个疗程。观察随访患者肘部疼痛、肿胀及肘关节活动情况。结果所有患者均获随访,随访时间2~3个月,平均(2.38±0.49)个月。所有患者骨折均愈合,愈合时间32~56 d,平均(55.45±26.46)d。本组治愈28例,好转10例,未愈2例。结论四步手法配合祛瘀膏治疗创伤性肘关节僵硬,具有操作简单、疗效确切等优点,值得临床推广应用。 Objective To observe the curative effect of four steps manipulation and Quyu cream in the treatment of traumatic elbow stiffness.Methods From January2016to December2016,four steps manipulation and Quyu cream were used to treat40cases of traumatic elbow stiffness.Ten times was for a course of treatment,with1-2courses.Elbow pain,swelling and elbow motion were observed in follow-up patients.Results All patients were followed up for2-3months,with an average of(2.38±0.49)months.All fractures were healed,the healing time was32-56d,with an average of(55.45±26.46)d.And28cases were cured,10cases improved,2cases were not healed.Conclusion Four steps manipulation and Quyu cream is used in the treatment of40cases of traumatic elbow stiffness,which has the advantages of simple operation and exact effect,it is worth clinical promotion and application.
作者 白莹 何战飞 BAI Ying;HE Zhan-fei(Xi'an No.3 Hospital, Xi'an 710018, China)
机构地区 西安市第三医院
出处 《临床医学研究与实践》 2018年第6期113-114,共2页 Clinical Research and Practice
关键词 肘关节僵硬 四步手法 祛瘀膏 elbow stiffness four steps manipulation Quyu cream
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