新型城镇化建设怎样做才能赢得市场?制度上如何设计?政府应如何作为?金融机构如何支持?P P P模式怎样创新?又将在"新四化"中发挥怎样作用?围绕诸多读者关注的问题,《国际融资》杂志记者独家采访了国家开发银行行务委员、资深专家郭濂先生。郭濂先生以他十几年的调研与参与顶层设计的感悟告诉《国际融资》杂志记者:一定要汲取中国城镇化大起大落的教训,务必尊重客观规律,不再拔苗助长。必须意识到当前信息智能的空前发展,给全球城镇化带来了同样的挑战和同等的洗牌机遇。
How can the new urbanization construction win the market?How should we design the system?What should the government do?How could the financial institutions support it?How does the PPP model innovate?How will it play a role in the"new four modernizations"?To know the answers,the reporters of International Financing Magazine interviewed Mr.Guo Lian,Commissioner of Banking of CDB and senior expert.He said that we must learn the lessons of Chinese urbanization change radically,respect the objective rules,and should not spoil things by the excessive enthusiasm.According to him,the unprecedented development of information intelligence has brought both challenges and opportunities for the global urbanization,and towns that can't catch up with the development of urbanization will be at risk.
International Financing