
发达国家研究型大学向创业型大学转型的探索及启示——以加州大学为例 被引量:2

Exploration and Enlightenment of the Transformation of Research Universities to Entrepreneurial Universities in Developed Countries——Taking University of California as an Example
摘要 在发达国家的众多名校中,美国是研究型大学向创业型大学转型的先锋军,更是真正贯彻并落实创业教育体系与实践的开拓者与带头人。其中最具代表的是著名的加利福利亚大学,简称加州大学,同时,也是世界上最具影响力的公立大学。加州大学并不是单独的学校个体,而是由十所分校共同组成的教育系统,这些大学的创业教学体系相对比较成熟完善,无论是培养模式、课程设定,还是教育团队及校企合作方面都具有丰富的经验,为其他高校提供了有利的参考依据。以加州伯克利与洛杉矶分校为例,对其创业的教育体系进行深入探索,进而详细阐述了对我国高校的具体启示。 Among the famous universities in developed countries,the United States is considered to be the pioneer in the transformation of research-oriented universities into entrepreneurial university,as well as to be the pioneer and leader who actually implements the entrepreneurship education system and practice.The most representative university is the prestigious University of California which is the most influential public university in the world.University of California is not a separate individual university but an education system comprising more than ten branch colleges which have relatively mature and complete entrepreneurship education system with rich experience in training model,curriculum setting,education team or university-enterprise cooperation.It provides the beneficial reference for other universities.This paper,taking University of California-Berkeley and Los Angeles as an example,explores the entrepreneurship education system and then expatiates on the specific enlightenment to the universities in our country.
作者 翟童 Zhai Tong(Lingnan Normal University,Zhanjiang 524048,China)
机构地区 岭南师范学院
出处 《黑河学院学报》 2018年第1期18-19,共2页 Journal of Heihe University
关键词 发达国家 创业大学 教育体系 转型启示 developed countries entrepreneurship colleges education system enlightenment of transformation
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