

Analysis on the Strategies of Enhancing the Effectiveness of We Chat Word-of-Mouth(WOM) Marketing of Scenic Area in Fujian
摘要 文章总结了福建5A景区官方微信公众号的运营现状,梳理了微信口碑传播机制并调查分析了微信用户的口碑传播行为。在此基础上,提出福建旅游景区可以依托官方微信公众号平台,通过提升旅游服务体验、激发口碑传播动机、创造优质的口碑信息源、投放微信朋友圈广告和强化景区品牌形象塑造等途径提升景区微信口碑营销效果。 This paper summarizes the operation status of the official WeChat account of 5A level scenic area in Fujian,discusses the Word-of-Mouth transmission mechanism via WeChat,and analyzes WeChat users' word-of-mouth communication behavior.Then it proposes that scenic areas in Fujian should rely on the official WeChat account to enhance the effect of word-ofmouth communication by promoting tourism service experience,stimulating users' word-of-mouth motivation,creating high-quality information and advertising on WeChat,and strengthening brand building.
出处 《景德镇学院学报》 2018年第1期75-80,共6页 Journal of JingDeZhen University
基金 福建省2015年中青年教师教育科研项目"福建旅游景区微信口碑营销策略研究"(JAS150412)
关键词 旅游景区 微信口碑 对策 Scenic Area Word-of-Mouth via WeChat Countermeasures
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