
核事故场区应急撤离与救援路径优化 被引量:3

Optimization of Field Emergency Evacuate and Rescue Route in Nuclear Accident
摘要 核事故场区应急包括场内人员的撤离以及事故救援物资的配送。本文探讨了同时考虑救援与撤离双向车辆的路径优化。以改进后的分时段BPR路阻函数为权重,运用A*算法求解最短路径集。建立以时间最短为目标、路段车辆容量为约束的线性优化模型,求得3条路线的最优路径。分析发现3条路线的最优路径并不全是其单独考虑时的最短路径。因此,考虑车辆之间影响的情况下求解最优路径更符合实际。 Emergency situations in the nuclear accident area include the evacuation of personnel and the distribution of accident relief supplies.This paper explores the path optimization of both directions considering both rescue and evacuation.The A*algorithm is used to solve the shortest path set with the improved sub-period BPR resistance function.The optimal path of the three routes is obtained by establishing a linear optimization model with the shortest time as the target and the vehicle capacity as the constraint.The analysis shows that the optimal path of the three routes is not the shortest path when it is considered separately.Therefore,it is more realistic to solve the optimal path in consideration of the influence between vehicles.
作者 邹树梁 池晓霞 刘文君 李达 ZOU Shuliang;CHI Xiaoxia;LIU Wenjun;LI Da(Nuclear Facilities Emergency Safety Technology & Equipment Key Laboratory of Hunan Province Hengyang, Hunan 421001)
出处 《工业安全与环保》 2018年第3期30-33,77,共5页 Industrial Safety and Environmental Protection
基金 国家自然科学基金(71540011) 南华大学研究生科研创新项目(2016 XCX29)
关键词 场区应急 撤离与救援 路径优化 field emergency evacuation and rescue path optimization
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