

Study on change of nitrogen and phosphorus content and phosphatase activity of sludge sediments in underground engineering
摘要 为分析徐州某地下工程水污染区域的沉积物氮磷含量和碱性磷酸酶活性随时间变化规律,对其污染区域设16个采样点进行采样测量.结果表明,沉积物总氮含量在二三期施工段较高,四期施工段最低,并在0.08~2.13 mg/g范围内波动;沉积物总磷含量在二期施工段含量最低,三期施工段含量最高,且在0.03~0.69 mg/g范围内波动;沉积物碱性磷酸酶活性在二三期施工段较高,四期、一期施工段较低,其波动范围在59.89~744.8 mg/(kg·h)内,在不同施工周期与总磷含量均存在正相关关系.第1层的氮磷含量以及碱性磷酸酶活性都较高,呈现"表层累积现象". In order to analyze the variation regularity of nitrogen and phosphorus content and alkaline phosphatase activity of sediments in water pollution area,16sampling points were measured.The results show that the total nitrogen content of the sediments in the water pollution area is higher than that of con-struction section and three stage in two period,the construction section of phase four is lowest,and fluctu-ates within the range of0.08-2.13mg/g,the total phosphorus content of sediments in the water pollution area is the lowest in two stage,the three construction section is the highest content,and fluctuation in the range of0.03-0.69mg/g,the alkaline phosphatase activity of sediments in the water pollution area is higher in phase two and three stage,four stage and one stage construction section is lower,and its fluctua-tion range is within59.89-744.8mg(kg.h).There were positive correlations between different construc-tion periods and total phosphorus content.The first layer of nitrogen and phosphorus content and alkaline phosphatase activity are higher,showing"surface accumulation phenomenon."
作者 梁峙 刘喜坤 梁骁 马捷 孙晓虎 LIANG Zhi;LlU Xikun;LIANG Xiao;SUB Xiaohir;MA Jie(College of Environment Engineering,Xuzhou Institute of Technology,Xuzhou,Jiangsu 221018,China;Water Affairs Bureau of Xuzhou,Xuzhou,Jiangsu 221018, China;School of Economics,Shanghai University of Finance and Economics,Shanghai 200433,China;China University of Mining And Technology,Xuzhou,Jiangsu 221008 China)
出处 《江苏建筑职业技术学院学报》 2017年第4期36-40,共5页 Journal Of Jiangsu Vocational Institute of Architectural Technology
基金 住建部项目:地下工程废水处理集成装置结构设计及集成系统开发研究(2017-K7-004) 水利部科技推广计划项目:徐州矿井废水综合生态治理示范技术(TG1517)
关键词 地下工程 污泥沉积物 氮磷 碱性磷酸酶活性 underground engineering sludge sediments nitrogen phosphorus alkaline phosphatase activity
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