
基于解决发动机加速异响问题的TVD分析优化 被引量:2

Analysis and optimization of the TVD of a certain vehicle for solving abnormal noises in accelerating condition
摘要 针对某整车加速异响问题,简要地介绍了通过试验测试确定异响激励源(曲轴轴系扭振)的过程,计算分析了曲轴轴系扭振激励引起异响的机理;分别研究了扭振减振器(Torsional Vibration Damper,TVD)橡胶层扭转刚度和惯量环转动惯量对扭振高谐次分量调频、调幅作用的影响,并对比了这两个参数的影响程度;分析发现增加惯量环转动惯量和降低橡胶层扭转刚度均能够降低扭振高谐次分量在常用转速区域的峰值,但调频、降幅程度不同;基于计算分析结论,对发动机原装TVD进行了优化设计,比较了发动机匹配优化后TVD和原装TVD两种情况下车内噪声测试结果,测试与主观评价均发现原有的异响声明显削弱,达到可接受范畴。 Aiming at reducing the abnormal noise of a certain vehicle,the excitation source was searched and determined by experiments.Besides,the mechanism of the noise caused by torsional vibration was analyzed.The influences of the rubber torsional stiffness and the MOI(moment of inertia)of the ring on the TVD(torsional vibration damper)modulation effect were studied respectively and their influential extents were compared.The conclusions are drawn that changing the MOI of the ring and torsional stiffness of the rubber can reduce the amplitudes of high harmonic components in the common speed region,however their influential extents are different.Based on the conclusions,the optimization to the original TVD was carried out.With the optimized TVD,the abnormal noise reduces greatly both in test and subjective assessment,and reaches the acceptable level.
作者 李亚南 郝志勇 郑旭 杨文英 LI Ya’nan;HAO Zhiyong;ZHENG Xu;YANG Wenying(College of Energy Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027,China)
出处 《振动与冲击》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2018年第6期86-91,共6页 Journal of Vibration and Shock
基金 国家重点研发计划项目(2016YFB0101604)
关键词 异响 扭转振动 TVD 扭转刚度 转动惯量 abnormal noise torsional vibration torsional vibration damper(TVD) torsional stiffness moment of inertia
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