

Research progress of seawall monitoring in China based on document retrieval
摘要 针对全球气候变化、海平面上升及大型围垦项目白热化推进背景下的海堤安全问题,开展中国海堤监测现状研究。采用大数据分析方法,依托中国期刊全文数据库CNKI,从海堤检测与监测理论、海堤状态安全检测、海堤安全长期监测以及经典海堤监测案例这4个全新的角度,分析我国海堤监测的现状。结论表明:现有海堤监测大多集中在施工期监测方面,对老海堤安全隐患的研究还不够全面和深入;指出海堤监测理论中渗压和沉降理论2个分支均未提及海浪本身对海堤的影响,建议将波浪资料纳入海堤渗压及沉降等影响因子中;建议提出一套规范化的海堤隐患检测综合方法,将海堤自身变形监测资料与海洋水文监测资料同步集成、综合分析进而实时预测海堤安全。 Aiming at the seawall safety problems in the context of global climate change,sea level rise and the white-hot advance of large-scale reclamation projects,a review research on the status of seawall monitoring in China is carried out.Using the innovative research methods of big data analysis and based on the China Journal Full-text Database CNKI,the current situation of seawall monitoring in China is analyzed from four aspects,i.e.seawall detection and monitoring theories,seawall safety detection,long-term monitoring of seawall safety and typical cases of seawall monitoring.The results are as follows.Most of the existing seawall monitoring are focused on the monitoring of the construction period,and the research on the hidden dangers of the old seawall is not comprehensive and thorough.Two branches of osmotic pressure and sedimentation theory in the theory of seawall monitoring are summarized,and it is pointed out that neither of them has mentioned the influence of waves on the seawall,and suggested that the wave data should be incorporated into the influencing factors such as osmotic pressure and settlement of seawall.It is pointed out that although people have a certain understanding of all kinds of detection methods,and suggested to put forward a set of standardized integrated methods for detecting hidden dangers of seawalls.It is suggested that the study of long-term monitoring of seawall safety is still in the preliminary stage,and the monitoring data of marine deformation monitoring and marine hydrological monitoring data should be synchronized and integrated to predict the safety of seawall in real time.
作者 秦淑芳 焦大容 李硕 苏俊玮 QIN Shu-fang;JIAO Da-rong;LI Shuo;SU Jun-wei(Key Laboratory of Coastal Disaster and Defence,Ministry of Education,Hohai University,Nanjing 210098,China;College of Harbor,Coastal and Offshore Engineering,Hohai University,Nanjing 210098,China;Unit 72695,Qingdao 266103,China)
出处 《水运工程》 北大核心 2018年第3期45-51,共7页 Port & Waterway Engineering
关键词 海堤监测 防波堤监测 海堤检测 文献数据库 seawall monitoring breakwater monitoring seawall inspection reference database
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