
钢渣余热回收方法分析 被引量:5

Analysis on Recuperation Method for Slag Waste Heat
摘要 分析了钢渣余热回收方法中的物理方式和化学方式。从热力学角度计算分析了钢渣余热回收中的制氢方法和煤气化方法,结果认为,制氢方法采用CH_4与CO_2反应最佳,煤气化方法采用C与CO_2反应最佳。另外,对钢渣余热回收中的化学方法存在的问题进行了阐述,并提出了解决方法,为钢渣余热回收提供借鉴。 Among the recuperation methods for recuperating slag waste heat,the physical method and chemical method were analyzed.Particularly both the hydrogen production method and coal gasification method in the process of recuperating slag waste heat were analyzed based on the thermodynamic calculation.The analytical results showed that it was the best practice to produce hydrogen with carrying out the reaction of CH4 and CO2 while it was the best practice to carry out the coal gasification by using C to react with CO2.In addition,the problem in the process of recuperating slag waste heat by using the chemical method were discussed and countermeasures for the problem were proposed,which could be used for reference when recuperating slag waste heat.
作者 李德军 刘清海 许孟春 李晓伟 刘祥 于赋志 Li Dejun;Liu Qinghai;Xu Mengchun;Li Xiaowei;Liu Xiang;Yu Fuzhi(State Key Laboratory of Metal Materials for Marine Equipment and Application of Iron&Steel Research Institutes of Ansteel Group Corporation,Anshan 114009,Liaoning,China;Bayuquan Branch of Angang Steel Co.,Ltd.,Yingkou 115007,Liaoning,China)
出处 《鞍钢技术》 CAS 2018年第1期7-11,18,共6页 Angang Technology
关键词 钢渣 余热回收 物理方法 化学方法 回收效率 steel slag recuperation of waste heat physical method chemical method recuperation efficiency
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