
牙周病对种植修复影响的研究进展 被引量:2

Research progress in influence of periodontal disease on dental implantation
摘要 种植修复已成为成年人牙齿缺失的重要修复方式,其预后受多种因素影响,其中牙周病对种植修复的影响日益受到关注。大量研究表明,牙周病患者种植体周围疾病的发生率高于牙周健康患者,且种植体失败率也相应增高。种植体周围疾病的致病菌与牙周致病菌关系密切。另外,牙周病患者种植修复的远期效果受定期口腔卫生维护及吸烟等多重因素的影响。本文从牙周病患者种植成功率、牙周病与种植体周围菌群异同及影响牙周病患者种植预后的因素3个方面作一综述。 Dental implantation is a popular way to replace natural teeth.Its prognosis is affected by a number of factors including periodontitis.A large number of studies have shown the incidence of periimplant disease and implant failure rate in periodontal compromised patients are higher than periodontal healthy patients.Periimplant disease is closely related to the pathogens in periodontitis.What's more,the longterm success of dental implants is affected by multiple risk factors of periodontitis such as regular oral hygiene maintenance and smoking.This paper reviews the survival rate,the pathogens and the prognosis of implants in periodontal compromised patients.
作者 夏玉宏 余慧敏 张迪 王春先 XIA Yuhong;YU Huimin;ZHANG Di;WANG Chunxian(Department of Oral Implantology,Stomatological Hospital,Southern Medical University,Guangzhou 510280,China)
出处 《口腔疾病防治》 2018年第2期120-123,共4页 Journal of Prevention and Treatment for Stomatological Diseases
基金 广东省医学科研基金项目(A2015578)
关键词 种植体周围疾病 牙周病 牙周致病菌 口腔卫生维护 Periimplant disease Periodontal disease Periodontal pathogens Oral hygiene maintenance
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