
“感通”情意 敦和《诗》教——以《论语》为本

The Affection Interaction Between Life and the Earth:Taking the Analects of Confucius as Example
摘要 孔子非常重视《诗经》的教化作用,《诗》教乃是浸润着情意、感通于物我之间的人生艺术。《诗》教之价值在于敦情和意,感发人之意义生命,使人内尽其性、外与物合,将《诗》作为获取功名利禄、推行礼乐教化的工具和手段就流为末用。而《诗》之"情意"机制本于"感通"之道,《诗》"可以兴,可以观,可以群,可以怨",无不浸润着人与人之间共通的感情。具体《诗》教的阶段,孔子在《论语》中两次提到"始可与言《诗》",则修养其心,明"诚"之道,始能学《诗》。 Confucianism lays great importance on the educational value of the Book of Songs.The education delivered by the Book of Songs is an art of life which infiltrates the function of affection and anticipation and help people themselves interact with objects.The value of the Book of Songs is to thicken the sincere emotion and to emphasize the spiritual communication which can generate and enrich people's world of meaning so that people can complete himself or herself to achieve who he or she shall be and to meet his or her own rhythm of life,thus achieving harmonious relation with the world.It is not the ultimate value that people regards the Book of Songs as a tool to obtain fame and wealth and push the development of social civilizing.The underlying basis of the affection and anticipation is rooted in the doctrine of the interaction with the spirit of Heaven and Earth.The stage for teaching the Book of Songs can be reflected from the phrase in Analects that"I can start to communicate with you about the Book of Songs".We can learn from this sentence that only a person's heart is honest without deficient through self-cultivation that can he taste the beauty of the Book of Songs.
作者 宁静贤 NING Jing-xian(Faculty of Education,Beijing Normal University,Beijing 100875,China)
出处 《兵团教育学院学报》 2018年第1期50-53,共4页 Journal of Bingtuan Education Institute
关键词 《诗》教 情意 感通 teaching by using the Book of Songs the function of affection and anticipation life interaction
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