
基于ZigBee的智能变电站热点温度远程监测系统研究 被引量:2

Research on Remote Monitoring System for Hot Spot Temperature of Intelligent Substation Based on Zig Bee
摘要 论文基于Zig Bee技术对智能变电站中的热点温度方面的远程监控系统做出设计,主要从温度传感器和电源的硬件设计、软件设计以及界面演示进行研究,以期对相关技术人员有所借鉴作用。 This paper designs a remote monitoring system for hot spot temperature in intelligent substation based on ZigBee technology,mainly studies the hardware design,software design and interface demonstration of temperature sensor and power supply,so as to provide reference to the relevant technical personnel.
作者 金鹰 JIN Ying(Hubei University of Technology,Wuhan 430068,China)
机构地区 湖北工业大学
出处 《中小企业管理与科技》 2018年第8期191-192,共2页 Management & Technology of SME
关键词 ZIGBEE技术 智能变电站 热点温度 远程监测 系统设计 ZigBee technology intelligent substation hot spot temperature remote monitoring system design
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