
儒家文化的传统性、经典性与现代性 被引量:1

Tradition,Classics,and Modernity of Confucian Culture
摘要 文化是一种无形的力量,它可以维系不同的地域族群的共存共荣,免于国家的分崩离析。五千年来,中华文化在神州大陆不断地扮演着传承与开新,凝聚了各民族的文化,形成一个内容丰富的大中华文化,历久而弥新。惟近百年来,在帝国主义侵略之下,国势积弱不振,加以崇洋媚外的心理,中华传统文化也遭遇前所未有的冲击。其中固然与西力东渐有关,然而其中更大的症结,来自于国人对于以儒家文化为主体的中华文化认识不清所致。因此,本文拟从儒家文化的传统性、经典性、现代性三方面,来说明儒家文化所蕴含的精神,诚具有现实的意义,可以作创造性的转化,成为滋养现代社会的源头活水。而全文的要旨则在说明要重建文化,必须先以重新正确地认识儒家文化开始,藉以建立符合现代性的儒家文化,并再度成为中华文化的核心价值。 As an invisible power,culture can maintain the coexistence and common prosperity of different ethnic groups from the collapse of countries.For over 5,000 years,Chinese culture has constantly been passed down and developed on China's Mainland,where the culture of various ethnic groups has been gathered to form the long-lasting great Chinese culture with abundant content.However,in the recent century,under the invasion of imperialism,the national momentum of China has been weak.Traditional Chinese culture also has faced unprecedented impact.Although such phenomena are associated with the expansion of western powers in the East,the main cause is that the Chinese fail to clearly understand the Chinese culture of which the main body is Confucian culture.Therefore,this study intends to explain that the spirits hidden in Confucian culture actually are associated with reality and can be used for creative conversions to become the source that nourish modern society from three aspects,tradition,classics,and modernity of Confucian culture.The objective of this study is to demonstrate that,in order to rebuild culture,it is necessary to start with the accurate understanding of Confucian culture.In this way,Confucian culture that conforms to modernity can be established and it will become the core value of Chinese culture again.
作者 黄忠天 HUANG Zhongtian(Graduate Institute of Chinese Classics,Kaohsiung Normal University,Kaohsiung,Taiwan 80201,china)
出处 《吉林师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2018年第2期17-21,30,共6页 Journal Of Jilin Normal University:Humanities & Social Science Edition
基金 厦门筼筜书院 厦门大学国学研究院 台湾"中央研究院"中国文哲研究所第九届海峡两岸国学论坛资助项目
关键词 传统 文化 经典 儒家 现代化 中华文化 tradition culture classics Confucianism modernity Chinese culture
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