
情绪效价对动作速度影响的行为学研究 被引量:3

A Behavioral Study of the Impact of Emotion Valence on Movement Speed
摘要 目的:探讨情绪效价对动作速度的影响特征以及情绪效价对动作速度影响的延时特征。方法:将情绪诱发与提示目标任务范式相结合,选取53名普通大学生作为被试,要求其观看情绪图片,之后在目标刺激的提示下快速完成6次按键动作任务。结果:(1)伪随机呈现情绪图片时,诱发的负性情绪和正性情绪较中性情绪均有加快动作速度的趋势,但未达到显著性差异水平(P=0.237);(2)分组呈现图片时,诱发的负性情绪下的动作速度显著慢于中性情绪(P=0.041)。结论:(1)相较于正性情绪,负性情绪对动作速度的影响更大。(2)负性情绪对动作速度的影响随着负性情绪强度的变化出现了分离;负性情绪强度小时,呈现加快动作速度的趋势;负性情绪强度大时,则会显著减慢动作速度。(3)负性情绪越强,对动作速度影响的持续时间越长。 Objective:To investigate how emotion valence affects the movement speed.Method:Emotion-induction and prompt-target task paradigms were combined in the study.Subjects were asked to view emotional pictures first,then continuously performed a movement task six times at the prompt of the target stimulus.Result:1)In Experiment 1,negative and positive conditions tend to increase the movement speed compared to neutral conditions,but did not reach the significant differences level;2)In Experiment 2,the movement speed under negative conditions was significantly slower than that of neutral conditions.Conclusion:1)Compared with positive emotions,negative emotions have a greater impact on the movement speed;2)Negative emotions will significantly slow down the movement speed,and the more negative emotions,the longer the duration of the impact on the movement speed.
作者 李夏雯 王小春 LI Xiawen;WANG Xiaochun(School of Kinesiology,Shanghai University of Sport,Shanghai 200438,China)
出处 《上海体育学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第2期113-118,共6页 Journal of Shanghai University of Sport
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(31500911) 上海市浦江人才计划项目(13PJC095)
关键词 情绪效价 动作速度 行为学 正性情绪 负性情绪 emotion valance movement speed behavior study positive emotion negative emotion
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