
浅谈海外电厂EPC项目的现场物资信息管理系统的构建 被引量:2

Discussion on Building Equipment and Material MIS for Overseas Power Plant EPC Construction Project
摘要 讨论了海外电厂EPC项目的物资管理的发展现状及主要存在的问题。从EPC总包方的角度,分析了现场物资管理的主要工作环节及具体的管理流程,认为现场物资管理属于工程项目供应链的末端环节,直接关系到项目成功。基于工程供应链多方工作协同的思维,结合越南永新燃煤电厂一期工程BOT项目实践,提出现场物资信息管理系统应包含的主要功能模块及其配置的基本要求。重点说明EPC总包方应在电厂项目建设过程中,协同好各方的物资资源,保证各方的信息对称达到提升现场物资管理效率的目的。最后强调了设备缺陷管理的重要性。 The current development situations and main problems of equipment and material management are disscussed for the EPC construction project.The main working links and management process were proposed from the perspective of EPC contractor for on-site equipment and material management,which shall be regarded as the rear links for the construction project supply chain.It is directly related to the project success.The main function module and configuration requirement were proposed on the basis of real practice of Vietnam Vinh Tan 1 BOT Coal-fired Power Plant Project among multi-parties collaborative thinking come from construction supply chain.Resources collaboration among different parties on equipment and material by EPC contractor is emphasized during the power plant construction process,the management effectiveness can be improved when information symmetry is reached.The importance of equipment defect management is emphasized at last.
作者 洪生 HONG Sheng(China Energy Engineering Group Guangdong Electric Power Design Institute Co.,Ltd.,Guangzhou 510663,China)
出处 《南方能源建设》 2017年第A01期196-200,204,共6页 Southern Energy Construction
关键词 工程供应链 现场物资管理 信息管理系统 construction supply chain on-site equipment and material management MIS
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