

Study on the economic risk of diseases in the elderly population in Jiangsu province
摘要 该文以江苏省中老年人群为研究对象,以灾难性卫生支出发生率、平均差距、相对差距作为评价指标,对比3种基本医保下江苏省中老年人群疾病经济风险。研究发现年龄、身体状况、收入情况等社会经济因素对江苏省中老年人疾病经济风险影响显著,建议制度设计时应适当向低收入中老年人倾斜。 Taking the middle-aged and elders’economic risks of diseases in Jiangsu Province as objects,the evaluation indexes including the incidence of catastrophic expenditures,the average gap and the relative gap will be compared under three kinds of basic medical insurance.The socio-economic factors such as age,physical condition,and income have the significant impact on the economic risk of the middle-aged and elders in Jiangsu Province.The preferential policy should be established appropriately for low-income and elderly population.
作者 李湘君 宋慧勇 LI Xiangjun;SONG Huiyong(Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine,Nanjing 210023,China)
出处 《医药高职教育与现代护理》 2018年第2期112-114,共3页 Medical Higher Vocational Education and Modern Nursing
基金 江苏省高校哲学社会科学研究项目(2014SJB175)
关键词 江苏省 中老年人 疾病经济风险 医疗保障 Jiangsu province Middle-aged and elderly population Economic risk of diseases Medical insurance
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