
中美新型大国关系、“一带一路”建设与世界经贸格局发展 被引量:6

Research on Building a New Model of Major-country Relationship between China and the United States and the Development of the World Economic and Trade Pattern under the Background of the Belt and Road Initiative
摘要 "一带一路"倡议是中国提供给全球的公共产品,是推动国际合作、促进世界经济增长的催化剂。美国和中国是全球最大的两个经济体,经贸合作是中美关系的压舱石,扩展与强化中美经贸合作事关世界经济兴衰,构建新型中美大国关系将具有深远的全球影响。在"一带一路"框架下中美之间的良性互动关系,将为双方实现互利发展创造空间,为国际发展和全球治理提供新的助力。因此,应以"一带一路"建设为契机,中美携手建立以包容共享为基础的国际经济新秩序,构建平等互利的国际分工体系,建立合理化的国际贸易规则与合作机制,建设包容有序的国际金融体系;联合引领可持续发展的新型全球化,率先成立"全球基础设施联盟",积极推进包容性全球化,推动构建共生型国际体系;协力促进以共同发展为目标的新型国际合作,以"一带一路"为中心构建全球性自贸区群,深挖"一带一路"市场潜力,合力推动全球经济强劲、可持续、平衡、包容增长,开创共享未来。 The Belt and Road Initiative is the global public product provided by China;and it is the driving force to promote international cooperation and world economic growth.U.S.and China are both the largest economic entities in the world;trade and economic cooperation is the ballast stone of the relationship between these two countries;expanding and strengthening trade and economic cooperation between these two countries is of great significance to world economic growth;and the establishment of new model of major-country relationship has more profound implication in the world.In the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative,the sound interactive relation between U.S.and China will create more space for the mutual beneficial development,and provide international development and global governance with more new driving forces.So these two countries should,first,take the development of the Belt and Road Initiative as the opportunity,establish the international economic new order taking inclusive and sharing as the basis,formulate the fair and mutual beneficial international labor division system,formulate the rational international trade rules and cooperation mechanisms,and establish the inclusive and sharing international financial system;second,these two countries should lead the new type of globalization for the sustainable development,establish the“global alliance for the construction of infrastructure”,promote the inclusive globalization,and promote the development of intergrowth international system;and third,these two countries should promote the new type of international cooperation taking mutual development as the target,establish the global free trade zone groups,deeply explore the market potential brought by the Belt and Road Initiative,drive the strong,sustainable,balanced and inclusive growth of global economy,and create and share the future development.
作者 杜永红 DU Yong-hong(Xijing Institute,Xi'an,Shaanxi710123,China)
机构地区 西京学院
出处 《中国流通经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第4期85-93,共9页 China Business and Market
基金 2017年度陕西省社会科学界重大理论与现实问题研究项目"基于‘一带一路’框架下陕西国际产能合作路径研究"(2017C002)
关键词 新型大国关系 中美关系 “一带一路” 世界经贸格局 包容共享 new model of major-country relationship China-U.S.relationship the Belt and Road Initiative international economic and trade pattern inclusive and sharing
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