

A Cognitive Survey of Text Coherence from the Perspective of Conceptual Metaphor Theory——Take The Mass Brand Cars Perform the Legend of Han Dynasty in Shu Area as an Example
摘要 概念隐喻理论之一强调本体和喻体的结构相似性和经验上的相似性。运用这一原理,对一则报道《上汽大众大众品牌上演"蜀汉传奇"》进行分析。"蜀汉传奇"靠的是拥有"武将"和顺应"民意",而大众车型得以热销也得益于"武将"(几款热销车型)和"民意"(服务消费者的措施),即围绕着这两大主题展开,步步推进,达到语篇连贯,旨在说明概念隐喻理论对于语篇生成与构建的解释力。 Conceptual metaphor stresses the similarity of construction and experience between figure and vehicle.This paper analyses an article The Mass Brand Cars Perform the Legend of Han Dynasty in Shu Area with this theory.The Legend of Han Dynasty in Shu Area can be ascribed to military officers and peoples’will.Similarly,the successful promotion of the Mass Brand Cars can also be attributed to its“military officers”--several hot types,and its“will of people”--measures to serve the customers.The news article centers around these two themes and develops into a coherent text.This article is aimed at illustrating the explanatory power of metaphor to the configuration and construction of texts.
作者 黄金德 HUANG Jinde(Foreign Languages Institute,Minnan Normal University,Zhangzhou Fujian 363000,China)
出处 《盐城工学院学报(社会科学版)》 2018年第1期79-81,共3页 Journal of Yancheng Institute of Technology(Social Science Edition)
基金 2016年福建省中青年教师教育科研项目(JZ160011)
关键词 概念隐喻理论 相似性 武将 民意 语篇连贯 Conceptual Metaphor Theory similarity military officers will of people coherence of text
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