
Efficient and reliable road modeling for digital maps based on cardinal spline

摘要 In order to realize an optimal balance between the efficiency and reliability requirements ofroad models,a road modeling method for digital maps based on cardinal spline is studied.First,the cardinal spline is chosen to establish an initial road model,which is specified by a series of control points and tension parameters.Then,in view of the initial road model,a gradual optimization algorithm,which can determine the reasonable control points and optimal tension parameters according to the degree of the change of road curvature,is proposed to determine the final road model.Finally,the proposed road modeling method is verified a d evaluated through experiments,and it is compared with the conventional method for digital maps based on the B-spline.The results show that the proposed method can resize a neaoptimal balance between the efficiency and reliability requirements.Compared with the conventional method based on the B-spline,this method occupies less data storage and achieves higher accuracy. 为了实现道路模型高效性与可靠性之间的最优平衡,研究了一种基于Cardinal样条的数字地图道路建模方法.首先,使用Cardinal样条建立一个初始的道路模型,此模型由一系列的控制点和张力参数确定;然后,针对该初始模型,提出一种渐进优化算法确定最终的道路模型,该算法根据道路曲率的变化程度确定合理的控制点和最优的张力参数.最后,通过实验对该道路建模方法进行验证和评估,并将此方法与基于B样条的数字地图道路建模方法进行对比分析.结果表明,所提方法可较好地实现道路模型高效性与可靠性之间的平衡;相比于B样条道路建模方法,该方法所占用的数据存储量更小,所达到的精度更高.
作者 Xia Liang Li Xu Li Honghai 夏亮;李旭;李宏海(东南大学仪器科学与工程学院,南京210096;交通运输部公路科学研究院智能交通技术交通运输行业重点实验室,北京100088)
出处 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2018年第1期48-53,共6页 东南大学学报(英文版)
基金 The National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.61273236) the National Key Research and Development Plan of China(No.2016YFC0802706,2017YFC0804804) the Program for Special Talents in Six Major Fields of Jiangsu Province(No.2017JXQC-003) the Project of Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission(No.Z161100001416001)
关键词 cardinal spline digital map road modeling gradual optimization optimal balance Cardinal样条 数字地图 道路建模 渐进优化 最优平衡
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