The novel The Bluebird Caf佴,regarded as a rewriting of Dickens,presents readers with three different Copperfields:the original town,its current dilapidated counterpart and the replica鄄Historic Museum Village of Copperfield.The Museum Village,driven by tourism industry,is constructed as a simulation of its original.It restores the town’s original appearance and is a product of the commodification of the town’s history.The author’s presentation of a commercialized Museum Village as a world of simulation reveals her critique of its falsification of authentic history and its devastation of Tasmanian culture.In this Museum Village,tourists are convinced that this is the real Copperfield in that it precedes the original town and is more real than the current ghost town.Therefore,simulacra become the real and the town’s authentic history is concealed.Meanwhile,the whole Treevallyn has to be removed to make way for its construction.Behind the commercialization is the disappearance of the Aborigines and their unique culture.The desolate situation of the current Copperfield is epitome of the extinction of Tasmanian history.
Shen Yujuan(School of English and International Studies,Beijing Foreign Studies University,Beijing 100089,China)
Journal of Baoding University