
EPRI《蒸汽发生器完整性评估导则》解读 被引量:6

Review of the Steam Generator Integrity Assessment Guidelines of EPRI
摘要 《蒸汽发生器完整性评估导则》是美国电力研究院发布的用于评估蒸汽发生器(Steam Generator,简称SG)完整性的导则。该导则通过SG传热管结构完整性评估、一次侧—二次侧泄漏完整性评估以及二次侧完整性维护进行SG完整性评估。基于导则及相关文献调研与分析,从历史背景、发展历程、内容框架三个方面较为详细地介绍了《SG完整性评估导则》的基本信息,并对我国建立SG完整性评估技术体系的必要性和需开展的工作进行了初步讨论。《SG完整性评估导则》的全面解读对于推动我国核电厂开展SG完整性评估工作具有重要意义。 The Steam Generator Integrity Assessment Guidelines published by Electric Power Research Institute(EPRI)was widely used for the steam generator(SG)integrity assessment in American PWR nuclear power plants.SG integrity assessment was based on the structure integrity assessment of SG tubes,the primary-to-secondary leakage assessment and the maintenance of secondary side integrity.This paper reviewed the background,development process and content framework of this guideline.The necessity of the establishment of domestic SG integrity assessment technical system and its main work were discussed.The review of this guideline is valuable for the popularization and application of SG integrity assessment for Chinese nuclear power plants.
作者 梅金娜 蔡振 韩姚磊 王勇 韩传伟 薛飞 MEI Jinna;CAI Zhen;HAN Yaolei;WANG Yong;HAN Chuanwei;XUE Fei(Suzhou Nuclear Power Research Institute,Suzhou 215004,China)
出处 《核安全》 2018年第1期26-33,共8页 Nuclear Safety
基金 中国广核集团尖峰计划项目--核电厂运行许可证延续论证关键技术研究(第一阶段) 项目编号:CGNPC-T-2016-003
关键词 核电厂 蒸汽发生器 完整性评估 EPRI nuclear power plants steam generator integrity assessment EPRI
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