
欧盟在全球化中的角色——“管理全球化”与欧盟贸易政策的演变 被引量:9

The European Union's Role in Globalization: “Managed Globalization”and EU Trade Policy Changes
摘要 地区一体化与全球化发展是相互矛盾还是互补共生,一直是学术界争论不休的话题。长期以来,欧盟基于自身地区一体化的经验,试图充当全球化的实验室,扮演管理、引领全球化的角色。然而,近年来面对英国脱欧、特朗普当选美国总统的变局,欧盟在全球化发展中的角色面临重新定位的挑战。本文在回顾欧洲一体化与全球化关系历史的基础上,对20世纪90年代末以来拉米"管理全球化"理念的内涵及其主要政策发展进行了梳理,并结合21世纪初欧盟贸易政策在战略文件、参与世界贸易组织多边体制及诸边与双边贸易优惠协定谈判、贸易防御工具改革等层面出现的新变化,分析了以输出欧盟规则、规范与模式、追求自身利益为基础的欧盟管理全球化方案的根本缺陷与局限。文章认为,欧盟需要充分考虑国际社会的多样性,以重要的利益攸关方的姿态与包括新兴市场、发展中国家在内的全球伙伴一道推动新一轮全球化共识的形成,发挥欧盟地区一体化的独特优势,推动全球化发展和国际体系的进步性变革。 The issue whether regionalism and globalization are contradictory or complementary has always been controversial among academia. From its own experiences of regional integration,the European Union has long attempted to manage and lead globalization by playing the role of an innovative laboratory in the process. Nevertheless, confronted with the changes brought by Brexit and Trump's election as US President,the EU is facing the challenge of reorienting its role in globalization. This paper first traces the relationship between European integration and globalization over the past decades,explores the doctrines and policy developments of Pascal Lamy's "managed globalization"since the late 1990 s,and analyses the changes of the EU trade policy since the beginning of the 21st Century,which are reflected in the EU trade policy papers,WTO policies,plurilateral and bilateral PTAs negotiations,and trade defence instruments. It finds that the EU's managed globalization based on exporting its rules,norms and models and a seek for its own interests has intrinsic flaws and limits. In conclusion,the authors argue that the EU needs to play the role of a vital shareholder in the globalization and strives jointly with the rest of the world including the developing and emerging countries to form a new consensus on globalization,while taking into full account the diversity of the international community,so as to contribute greatly to the development of globalization and of the progressive reform of the world system.
作者 王展鹏 夏添
出处 《欧洲研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第1期77-97,共21页 Chinese Journal of European Studies
基金 北京外国语大学基本科研业务费资助 青年卓越教师项目校级自选课题"欧债危机背景下的欧盟贸易政策调整及我国的应对策略研究"(课题号:2015QZ004)的阶段性成果
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