
大兴安岭林业集团天然林资源保护工程生态产能价值分析 被引量:9

Evaluation of eco-production value from Natural Forest Protection Program in Da Hinggan Mountains Forestry Group
摘要 为了直观反映我国天然林保护工程取得的生态效益,客观量化天保工程生态产能价值,运用分布式测算方法,基于大兴安岭林业集团二类调查数据,依据国家林业行业标准LY/T 1721—2008《森林生态系统服务功能评估规范》,对其主要植被类型天然林资源保护工程的生态产能进行分析。结果表明:1)天保工程实施期间,生态产能总价值增加1 851.62亿元/a,各生态产能增加值从大到小依次为生物多样性保护、固碳释氧、保育土壤、涵养水源、净化大气环境和林木积累营养物质;2)不同林分类型生态产能价值量均呈增长趋势,其中,落叶松生态产能价值量增幅最高,为53.29%;3)中龄林生态产能价值量增幅最多达66.05%,其次是幼龄林,生态产能价值量增幅为17.22%;4)合理有效地对森林实施保护,使得森林的蓄积量及各项生态产能具有很大的增长空间,林区生态产能发展潜力巨大。该研究可为评估我国天保工程区森林生态服务功能变化,以及分析后续天保工程产生的生态效益提供科学参考。 In the past forty years,the Chinese government has steadfastly implemented a series of major forestry ecological projects aimed at protecting the ecological environment,preventing soil erosion,resisting floods and other disasters,and increasing biodiversity.The Natural Forest Protection Program(NFPP)is one of them.The government has spent huge amount of investment for the project construction in the past 20 years,which has aroused widespread concern in the society.This paper is to reflect the ecological benefits of NFPP in China,incarnate the great role of ecological engineering,and realize the sustainable development of forestry.[Methods]Using the distributed measurement method and based on type survey data in Da Hinggan Mountains Forestry Group,the eco,production values of the NFPP in main vegetation types of the Da Hinggan Mountains Forestry Group were assessed according to the State Forest Ecosystem Services Assessment Specification(LY/T 1721-2008).[Results]1)During the implementation of NFPP,the total value of eco,production increased by 1 851.62×108 RMB Yuan/a(an increment of 69.96%),and the descending order of values was biodiversity conservation(increased by 499.33×108 RMB Yuan/a),carbon fixation and oxygen released(increased by 390.22×108 RMB Yuan/a),soil conservation(increased by 358.62×108 RMB Yuan/a),water conservation(increased by 280.90×108 RMB Yuan/a),atmosphere environmental purifying(increased by 243.36×108 RMB Yuan/a),and nutrients accumulation(increased by 79.19×108 RMB Yuan/a).2)The eco,production values of different forest stand types showed an increasing trend,the highest increased value of Larix gmelini eco,production was 53.29%,the order of added value in forest stand from high to low was Larix spp.(an increment of 53.29%),Betula spp.(an increment of 13.01%),Populus spp.(an increment of 2.19%),Querus spp.(an increment of 0.66%),Pinus sylvestris var.mongolica(an increment of 0.41%),Picea spp.(an increment of 0.25%)and Salix babylonica L.(an increment of 0.15%).3)The increment of the eco,production value of half,mature forest was up to 66.05%,followed by the young forest increased by 17.22%.In addition,the eco,production value of near,mature forest,mature forest and over,mature forest showed a decreasing trend.4)Reasonable and effective implementation of forest protection will make the forest volume and ecological productivity have great growth space,and the ecological productivity of forest areas has great potential for development.[Conclusions]Therefore,the implementation of NFPP plays a positive role in promoting the ecological productivity value of different forest types in the study area.The composition and proportion of different age forest groups in the study area were affected,which led to the growth and decline of the ecological productivity value of different age groups.Furthermore,the implementation of the NFPP will play a significant positive role in improving the ecological environment in the study area.Accordingly,this study will provide scientific reference for evaluating the changes of forest ecological service function and analyzing the ecological benefits of NFPP area in China.
作者 黄龙生 王兵 牛香 宋庆丰 HUANG Longsheng;WANG Bing;NIU Xiang;SONG Qingfeng(Research Institute of Forest Ecology,Environment and Protection,Chinese Academy of Forestry,Key Laboratory of Forest Ecology and Environment,State Forestry Administration,100091,Beijing,China;Beijing Collaborative Innovation Center for Eco-environmental Improvement with Forestry and Fruit Trees,102206,Beijing,China)
出处 《中国水土保持科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第1期141-148,共8页 Science of Soil and Water Conservation
基金 林业公益性行业科研专项经费项目“东北森林生态要素全指标体系观测技术研究冶(201404303) 科技创新服务能力建设-协同创新中心-林果业生态环境功能提升协同创新中心(2011协同创新中心)(市级)(PXM2017_014207_000043)
关键词 天然林保护工程 生态产能 价值分析 森林生态系统 Natural Forest Protection Program eco-production value analysis forest ecosystem
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