
贵州山地特色农业助推精准扶贫研究——以桐梓县为例 被引量:1

A Study on Mountainous Characteristic Agriculture in Guizhou to Boost Precise Poverty Alleviation——Taking Tongzi County as an Example
摘要 农业是桐梓县的基础性产业与传统型产业,也是扶贫开发的重点产业,经过多年扶贫积累,该县农业扶贫取得显著成效。然而自主发展能力不足一直是影响精准扶贫发展的反力,并由此派生出市场性趋向较弱、产业结构弱势、农业扶贫专项资金分配利用欠缺等诸多不合理因素。只有通过基础设施等的建设为农业产业发展提供产业发展环境,通过合理分配及使用专项资金为农业产业化提供有力保障,通过借鉴传统扶贫经验改变旧的扶贫观念,才可以充分发挥农业对扶贫的作用。 Agriculture is the basic industry and traditional industry of Tongzi County,and it is also a key industry for poverty alleviation and development.After years of poverty alleviation,the county has achieved remarkable results.However,the lack of self-development capacity has always been the adverse strength to the development of precision poverty alleviation,and thus leads to the results such as weak market trend,weak industrial structure,deficient allocation of special funds and many other unreasonable factors.Only through the construction of infrastructure and so on for the development of agricultural industry to provide industrial development environment,through the rational allocation and use of special funds for agricultural industrialization to provide strong protection,and through drawing on the traditional poverty alleviation experience to change the old concept of poverty alleviation,can we give full play to the agriculture role,achieving the sustainable development of industry and the effect of poverty alleviation stabilization.
作者 唐玲玲 TANG Ling-Ling(Guizhou University of Finance and Economics,Guiyang Guizhou 550025,China)
出处 《襄阳职业技术学院学报》 2018年第2期109-113,共5页 Journal of Xiangyang Polytechnic
关键词 精准扶贫 山地农业 产业扶贫 precise poverty alleviation mountain agriculture poverty alleviation by industry
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