
2014年度黄河兰州段大型底栖无脊椎动物群落结构监测及生物学评价 被引量:1

Biomonitoring and Biological Evaluation of Macrobenthic Invertebrate Community Structure in Lanzhou Section of the Yellow River in 2014
摘要 2014年度黄河兰州段扶河桥、湟水桥、新城桥、中山桥、包兰桥、什川桥六个断面共采集大型底栖无脊椎动物2937尾,隶属六纲、五目,涉及种类至少28种,其中甲壳动物1种,水生昆虫至少6属(种),环节动物至少17属(种),软体动物2属(种),腔肠动物1属(种),其他种类至少1属(种)。利用Goodnight-whitley指数、Goodnight修正指数和生物学污染指数(BPI),对2014年度春季和秋季黄河兰州段6个断面的水质进行了生物学评价,综合而言,扶河桥左侧、新城桥右侧、中山桥右侧、什川桥左侧为轻-中污染,扶河桥右侧、湟水桥左侧两侧、中山桥左侧、什川桥右侧为中度污染,新城桥左侧、包兰桥左右两侧为轻污染。 A total of 2,937 large-scale benthic invertebrates were collected on six sections of Fuhe River Bridge,Huangshui Bridge,Xincheng Bridge,Zhongshan Bridge,Baolan Bridge,and Shichuan Bridge in the Lanzhou section of the Yellow River in 2014.They belong to six classes and five orders,covering at least 28 species.Species,including 1 species of crustacean,at least 6 genera(species)of aquatic insects,at least 17 genera(species)of annelids,2 genera(species)of mollusks,1 genus(species)of coelenterate species,and at least 1 genus of species of other species(species)).Using the Goodnight-whitley index,the Goodnight correction index and the Biology Pollution Index(BPI),the biological evaluation of the water quality of the 6 cross sections of the Liuzhou section of the Yellow River in spring 2014 and autumn was carried out.Overall,the left side of the Fuhe Bridge and the Xincheng Bridge were evaluated.The right side,the right side of the Zhongshan Bridge,and the left side of the Shichuan Bridge are light-to-medium polluted.The right side of the Fuhe Bridge,the left side of the Qinshui Bridge,the left side of the Zhongshan Bridge,and the right side of the Shichuan Bridge are moderately polluted.Xincheng Bridge The left and right sides of the Baolan Bridge are lightly polluted.
作者 陈锷 褚可成 许淑青 马天娥 邵昶铭 项明 Chen E;Chu Kecheng;Xu Shuqing;Ma Tiane;Shao Changming;Xiang Ming(Gansu Province Environmental Monitoring Center,Lanzhou 730020,China)
出处 《环境研究与监测》 2018年第1期9-13,共5页 Environmental Research and Monitoring
基金 甘肃省青年科技基金(项目编号:1506RJYA154)
关键词 黄河兰州段 大型底栖无脊椎动物 群落结构监测 生物学评价 Lanzhou section of the Yellow River macrobenthos invertebrates community structure monitoring biological evaluation
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