

Comparative morphological study on worker's wing between the Italian bee and the Chinese bee
摘要 对我国最为常见的两个人工饲养蜂种意蜂和中蜂前翅的肘脉指数和后翅翅钩数量进行比较研究.结果表明:两种蜜蜂之间存在极其显著的差异.意蜂工蜂的肘脉指数为2.43±0.39,中蜂工蜂的肘脉指数为3.63±0.11;意蜂后翅翅钩数量为20.70±2.08,中蜂后翅翅钩数量为18.55±1.15.提出东方蜜蜂黑蜜蜂亚种Apis cerana heimifeng为新异名,对蜜蜂属重要的亚种的中文命名错误进行了修订,最后对中蜂的形态学研究在蜜蜂育种工作中的意义进行了深入讨论. The Italian bee and the Chinese bee are the most widely cultured honeybees in China.The worker’s wing of these two honeybees were measured and analysized using cubital index of forewing and hamuli number of hindwing.Based on selected materials in Xinxiang,Henan,the cubital index of the Italian bee worker is 2.43±0.39 and that of Chinese bee worker 3.63±0.11.The hamuli number of hindwing are 20.70±2.08 for the Italian bee worker and 18.55±1.15 for Chinsese bee worker.There are statistically difference between these two honeybees on both cubital index and hamuli number.Apis cerana heimifeng Engel,1999 is treated as new synonym.Errors in the Chinese scientific names for common used speices and subspecies in Apis are modified.The significance on the morphology of Apis cerana cerana in the Chinsese honeybee breeding for better economic stains is discussed.
作者 崔建新 李卫海 张中印 程千千 CUI Jianxin;LI Weihai;ZHANG Zhongyin;CHENG Qianqian(School of Resource and Environment,Henan Institute of Science and Technology,Xinxiang 453003,China)
出处 《河南科技学院学报(自然科学版)》 2018年第1期15-19,共5页 Journal of Henan Institute of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition)
基金 国家现代农业蜂产业体系建设专项(CARS-45-SYZ10) 河南省高校科技创新团队支持计划(17IRTSTHN018)
关键词 中蜂 意蜂 肘脉指数 翅钩 蜜蜂属 Apis cerana cerana Apis mellifera ligustica cubital index hamulus Apis
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