
2016年甘肃省少数民族居民健康素养现状分析 被引量:19

Analysis on status of health literacy among minority residents in Gansu Province,2016
摘要 目的通过监测2016年甘肃省少数民族居民健康素养现状,为在少数民族地区开展健康教育与健康促进工作提供科学依据。方法采用多阶段抽样方法,在甘肃省87个县(市、区)随机抽取15~69岁少数民族居民3166名作为研究对象。结果甘肃省少数民族居民健康素养水平为1.4%;3个方面健康素养水平从高到低依次为基本技能素养(4.3%)、健康生活方式和行为素养(3.7%),基本知识和理念素养(2.8%);6类健康问题素养水平从高到低依次为安全与急救素养(17.8%)、科学健康观素养(11.5%)、传染病防治素养(8.0%)、健康信息素养(4.4%)、基本医疗素养(3.9%)、慢性病防治素养(1.7%)。少数民族居民健康素养水平、3个方面健康素养水平以及6类健康问题素养水平,城市高于农村(P<0.05),医务人员、教师和公务员高于农民(P<0.05),随文化程度和家庭经济收入的增高呈升高趋势(P<0.05)。结论甘肃省少数民族居民健康素养水平总体较低,建议今后继续加强少数民族地区健康教育与健康促进工作。 Objective To understand the level of health literacy among minority residents in Gansu Province,and provide scientific suggestions for developing health education and promotion.Methods Multistage sampling method in the survey and 3166 minority residents aged 15-69 years from 87 counties of Gansu Province were investigated.Results The level of health literacy was 1.4%.The health literacy rates in 3 health literacy related aspects as health related skills,healthy lifestyle and behaviors,and basic health concept and knowledge were 4.3%,3.7%and 2.8%,respectively.The health literacy rates of 6 health issues as safety and first aid,scientific attitude towards health,infectious diseases prevention,health information literacy,basic medical care and chronic diseases prevention among Gansu minority residents were 17.8%,11.5%,8.0%,4.4%,3.9%and 1.7%,respectively.About distribution of the levels of health literacy,the health literacy of 3 aspects and 6 health issues,the levels of urban minority residents was higher than that of rural minority residents(P<0.05).The higher education degree and higher economic income level,the higher health literacy level(P<0.0 5).All the levels above of medical staffs,teachers and civil servants were higher,while the farmers’were lower(P<0.05).Conclusion The level of health literacy of Gansu minority residents is very low as a whole,so the health education and health promotion in ethnic minority areas should be further strengthened in the future.
作者 杨媛媛 王玉 陆一鸣 康国荣 鲁培俊 YANG Yuan-yuan;WANG Yu;LU Yi-ming;KANG Guo-rong;LU Pei-juu(School o f Public Health,Lanzhou University,Lanzhou 730000,China)
出处 《中国健康教育》 北大核心 2018年第3期200-204,共5页 Chinese Journal of Health Education
基金 2015年中央补助地方健康素养促进行动项目
关键词 甘肃 少数民族 健康素养 Gansu Minority residents Health literacy
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