
儿童口腔治疗中不合作患儿的分析及临床护理 被引量:1

Analysis and clinical nursing of uncooperative children in oral therapy
摘要 目的对行为管理在儿童口腔治疗中不合作患儿中的应用效果进行分析。方法研究中回顾性分析两组患儿各项临床数据,将其以随机数字表法分组后:对照组儿童未予以行为管理,观察组儿童予以行为管理。结果不合作患儿95.0%因护理人员态度不佳、88.3%因护理人员操作不佳、86.7%因疼痛、81.7%因恐惧、78.3%因环境;护理后观察组SAS、SDS评分低,治疗依从性高,护理质量佳,与对照组比较存在差异,P<0.05。结论儿童口腔治疗中患儿不合作因素为护理人员态度及操作不佳、疼痛、恐惧、环境等方面情况,予以儿童行为管理干预,能够有效提升治疗依从性。 Objective To analyze the effect of behavior management on noncooperative children in oral treatment.Methods The clinical data of two groups of children were retrospectively analyzed and grouped by random number list method.The control group was not treated with behavior management,the observation group was treated with behavior management.Results 95.0%of children with non-cooperation were due to poor attitude of nurses,88.3%to poor operation of nurses,86.7%to pain,81.7%to fear and 78.3%to environment;After nursing observation group SAS,SDS score low,treatment compliance is high,the quality of care is good,compared with the control group,P 0.05.Conclusion The uncooperative factor in children's oral treatment is the attitude and poor operation of nursing staff,pain,fear,environment and so on,the intervention of children's behavior management can effectively improve the treatment compliance.
作者 王迎迎 WANG ying-ying(Oral Hospital,Shandong University,Shandong Jinan,250012,China)
出处 《全科口腔医学电子杂志》 2018年第10期9-10,共2页 Electronic Journal of General Stomatology
关键词 儿童 口腔治疗 不合作 临床护理 Children Oral therapy Non-cooperation Clinical care
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